Can we get any updates on whats going on?

So if blizzard gave us a date for the XP buff or the prepatch or wrath release y’all wouldn’t have any obligation towards your guild anymore? I don’t understand why you not enjoying SWP anymore has anything to do with the lack of communication by blizzard.

after doing a raid every week for couple months so people get burnt out and especially since wrath is coming soon™

makes sense want to take a break from raiding

If 50% exp was coming to Classic, it would have already been here.
At the announcement of 50% Exp buff, it had a note at the bottom it’s not for Classic.

Wrath will be released in September OR October for sure, one of the 2, rushed or not.

That’s a completely legitimate concern, but if someone wants to take a break then just take a break? I still don’t see how a prepatch launch in one month or three months should affect someone’s lack of enjoyment with swp and how their guild would feel if they need a break.

This is too true, why tf do I have to follow devs on twitter to get any kind of communication about the game… What do CMs actually do?

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10 char


I wouldn’t mind if it did tbh.

Try asking in Twitter, you know a third party comms channel that is way more relevant it seems than the actual OFFICIAL FORUMS for updates.


I can’t read twitter for more than like 5 seconds it seems before some account signup bs pops up. Is your everyday Joe actually expected to have a twitter account now?

Probably not the best avenue for disseminating info to the player base.

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I’m gonna laugh if Dragonflight hits before Wrath.

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You will get it when the shareholders are ready

You know they don’t mean literally right this second. But some sort of actual update beyond “stay tuned” would be really, really cool.


Soon TM.

Why do feel so entitled to constant updates? I feel like most of Classic players are like Stage 5 Clingers in relationships who want a text from their SO hourly or they lose their mind.

Relax and give them time.

Updates with some regularity are not some insane request of a huge triple A gaming company, you clown. They haven’t said anything for a month then they tell us to “stay tuned” and continue to say nothing.

People would be far more willing to give them the benefit of the doubt if their communication with players hadn’t been absolute rock bottom for years now.

I’m in the Wrath beta and it’s unfinished in lots of ways, sorry to say but it’s going to be delayed and they have no obligation to tell you anything.

I felt like their communication is up to par, if you want to give them feedback leave a ticket in their Support section instead of crying about it in the forums.

uh… ok… we’re talking about the XP buff they told us was coming then put into retail while we continue to wait on it, though.

Are they paying you or do you shill for fun? Their communication is awful and has been for many years now.

Support literally tells you to come post in the forums half the time, by the way. They’re absolutely useless in a majority of situations.

Which is tied into Wrath release, if they’re not ready to ship out Wrath then why would they start the events?

Aside from this situation when is that last time they had poor communication? You’re just making things up to make your point seem better.

Level 10 with few posts and no achieves. Does your account literally exist to gargle Blizz on the forums?


I was going to give you some of the many, many examples just from Classic alone, but I can’t stand arguing with Blizzard shills who make excuses for this shell of a company. Welcome to ignore. I hope you enjoy your stay.