no one said otherwise. I made a statement and that poster decided to make a FAR bigger point of it than was required.
In otherwords, as soon as your proven wrong, you play a silly game of “lets put someone on the ignore list”.
gotta love the cherry picking in here
what I said…
almost like I STILL AGREED that we should get the block lol
what someone saw…
I usually do this:
Yup. Been their MO for a long time now.
Kinda like the MO of cherry picking out ONE sentence to make an argument that literally IGNORED the rest of the post that refuted said persons intent with that cherry picking? lol
wasnt there something in the code of conduct about non productive posts?
Dont you all think you should get back to the TOPIC and OFF the PERSON, yet again?
- Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
- Making non-constructive posts
well, we know when the thread gets locked who the actual cause will be here.
Im failing to see how this is productive to the thread. Maybe explain it so we can see the connections?
The two way twitter/facebook type ignore would be great in here.
I dont personally believe this forum is that bad when comparing it to hundreds of others, BUT…there are some annoying elements Id like to not see anymore, including that “hidden reply” that seems to be there just to draw someone back into the whole thing again, lol.
Why they let you know youve been responded to by said blocked person and then make it a click away to see the post is beyond logic.
IGNORED should be IGNORED. lol.
Not “Hey…heres this poster you dont want to see anymore…are you sure you dont want to?”
Also browbeating others about rule violations is also against the rules, and is considered trolling. It’s not your job to police/mall cop the thread, just report the post and move on.
you mean like YOU are browbeating right now INSTEAD of sticking to the TOPIC here?
funny you tell ME its not MY job to police here…shall I got quote YOUR sides MANY posts quoting the code of conduct here in this thread…ie ‘policing’ as you call it ?
Arent YOU literally ‘policing’ right now instead of reporting as you say?
Gotta love the cherry picking in here. lol.
Get back to the topic and OFF my person.
Ironically the SAME thing I asked in the post you quoted.
Forum rules REQUIRE it.
Personally, I’d like the two way block so if I block someone, they cant see any of my posts, my account, etc.
Id also like that block to carry out into the game as well.
IF I block here, Id like to have that account blocked in game as well
I’m not part of any side. Whataboutism doesn’t fly either. Go play rule lawyer somewhere else.
You sir are a Brian Van Hoose.
so you are agreeing with me that it is possible? thank you for confirming that the facts i stated are correct.
well the current ignore system works perfectly.
i was just reading this quote and wanted to know what everyone else thought of it?
first of all, i would like to thank everyone for their input as i genuinely appreciate it very much… hope you all have a wonderful day, friends
(It also doesn’t work vs people on other servers, it only ignores their character if they’re from another server)
oh thank you for looking into my concerns and confirming that i am correct on this issue.
i greatly appreciate it, friend
Does it really? Because I’ve put you on ignore across 6 toons, and everyone of them, you have created a new toon to bypass the ignore.
I mean it is perfect for their wants.