Can we get account wide ignore?

IN all honesty I think the entire process, which is in place for good reason, would be the bigger lift than the actual redo of the code. I think most of it would be on the testing and bug issues than on writing anything as I have a feeling it is just going to be putting things back to how they were. The trick is what does that do to existing forums and troubleshooting those changes.

It’s not nothing but the door of “we don’t know” swings both ways. We know it won’t be free, but we have no clue how expensive it is. The truth is the whole idea was always a mistake and Blizzard should clean up their mistake for the good of the community and people here.

I would argue, quite strongly, that this is not costly enough to impact dev funding much if at all. Especially with the move to Microsoft as the over arching funding comptroller. The long term benefits and likely cost to admin would probably end up being a saving within a few years.

Edit: ps I am in the tech field, have run medium sized hosting servers and worked on coding projects in the past…so I am only semi talking out the wrong end here:)

There is a famous data graph I once found that shows a visual correlative relationship between how ignorant one is towards a specific topic, and the more knowledgeable they become, the less they really claim to know how it works.

I am not a forum web developer but even I can tell this isn’t as simple as people think it is.

People for whatever reason seem to think that the forums are run and operated, probably a single intern with a laptop (who also handles all the CM stuff) and can change whatevet they want with virtually no oversight on the back end or business level.

That’s not how it works obviously

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Trying very hard to resist going through this thread and making a list of everyone I think is just Mad wearing a different character. So many signs!


Well, if something like a battletag or an account-wide forum ID were attached, folks wouldn’t have to guess if it’s someone they know from previously.

If we had account-wide forum stuff that wouldn’t be a problem.


Gem?? It’s not a gem, it’s a nightmare :dracthyr_cry_animated:


“Nightmare” is putting it mildly.

hands you a taco

Here, we can both stress eat. :taco:


You ain’t seen nightmare fuel until you see the one Sylvanas music video where she sings My Heart Will Go On

Oh I can drudge up some real nightmare fuel. I just can’t post it around here lol

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My favorite hobby

If her heart comes anywhere near me I’m smashing it with a frozen fish :angry:

Also voting for account wide everything.


The Dunning-Kruger effect.


microsoft just forced blizzard to cancel all future blizzcons, likely due to budgeting.

Source please?


The source of “NUH UH!”

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Nah, it is always Trust Me Bro


1 blizzcon was canceled.

Some people: OMG can you believe blizzard was forced to cancel ALL blizzcons going forward? There is literally no other explanation!


i changed my mind

give us account wide ignore

+1 ppl this week to add to it


waves at the troll

Hello there! :smiley:

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hello vulpera

waves at the vulpera

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Are you trying to burn my eyes. I hate Sylvanas but love Varian.