Can we get account wide ignore?

It gets worse


1000000% this. I saw that thumbnail and noped out :raised_hand:


Better love story than Twilight.


That doesn’t take much


Twilight was terrible. I was too young to notice its flaws when the series became so popular but there’s no way in heck im watching that again. everything is terrible down to that blue filter they put in every scene

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lol it is terrible, especially the 4th book.

You get through books 1 through 3 everything seams ok… then you get the weirdness of the 4th book and the cringefest of the 4th book.

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Is it too late to send out Reply-Code Omega?


I think I only ever read one of the books but I can’t remember which one.

Though if I had to pick favorites my vote would be vampire Lestat over Edward any day

I enjoyed most of Anne Rice’s books. Her take on the Mummy was really good. Not a big fan of Tales of the Body Thief. I enjoyed Queen of the Damned, great world building there.


Me: “I mean…they’ve got nothing to show. What would be the point?” :sweat_smile:

A few articles have also shown that they actually lose money from hosting Blizzcon, so…makes perfect sense to me to save a few bucks when there’s nothing to show.


Let’s put it this way.

The 4th book / movie set just makes you go “what the?” with the amount of stuff.

Especially the whole Jacob Yesme or however you spell her name thing.


For some it’s more of a “Pepperidge Farm Remembers” thing rather than a scavenger hunt. I think it officially starts for reals somewhere in the mid-900’s. Fairly obvious.

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And it’s not even the first one they’ve “cancelled”. There was no Blizzcon in 2006, 2012, 2020, or 2022.

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You know what would make it extra-cursed? If they used AI to actually have it use the character’s voices instead.

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I refuse on principle to allow AI anywhere near Patty’s voice

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This seems like a terrible idea, considering the really stupid reasons people will ignore you for.

For example: In SOD someone was asking for help with the healer rune in elwynn. So as a druid offered to help. The guy asking for help basically typed out something along the lines of (“I needed a paladin or priest for this thanks for trolling”. When I went to correct him that druids also needed that quest I was already ignored. So, I couldn’t even correct his wrong assumption.

I’ve seen other stupid things like that as well.

The game will no longer match you in group content with someone that has you on ignore, or that you have ignored. I don’t want to be grouped with toxic people I also don’t want queue times to skyrocket because some people want to put everyone who glances at them in an mmo on ignore.

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Oh we were discussing it for the forum not the game. In retail it’s SUPPOSED to be an account wide ignore already but it’s… not working correctly.

Idk how sod works though.


Ok I see. I honestly wouldn’t mind if on the forum everyone had to use their name. Not necessarily the full thing to avoid trolling but kinda what they do in plunderstorm.

This would solve the whole ignore problems on the forum I would think