Can we get account wide ignore?

yup, similarly mocking peoples disabilities is disgusting too. I auto ignore (and flag) those (only one luckily but ended up ignored, so it isn’t really too widespread openly from what personally seen). Sadly they can just get on an alt, but a good reason in general for people not to see bigotry and to be able to block the offenders whole account, and let the GMs handle it


And people who straight up lie about you harassing and threatening them. That’s an instant ignore for me because I don’t got time for that nonsense.


The entire existence of the Ignore and Report features exist for people to be able to choose to not want to interact with people. Ignore for those who wish to simply not interact with someone and Report for those who think that a person should not be able to interact with anyone.

Note, this thread has had a great deal of civility and understanding, people proposing different views and suggestions on how to improve the original suggestion or why they think it is important. Then there are the common bad actors that put up counter-arguments that either weren’t addressing the topic, or were misunderstanding the concept so far that they couldn’t even be considered a complaint, or were simply the prime reason why such a feature is being requested at all and they did not wish for their avenues of harassment or dishonesty to be cut off. Contrarians that disagree just to disagree without elaborating further also don’t really count towards civil discussion either.


I noticed that too and was becoming discouraged. This is GD after all. I was considering throwing a tantrum and name calling around post 20k, assuming we made it that far.

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Ignore, yes. Report however is supposed to be in regards to rules, not just ‘lack of wanting to interact/I think this person shouldn’t be able to interact’ with someone. Too many stroke with too wide a brush to say that others shouldn’t be able to interact with anyone via that method, imo.

A decent amount, I’m not sure if the majority of the thread is that way and it hasn’t been so much at least in my experience.

There’s some that agree without elaborating, and don’t really count towards civil discussion as well which is why I was responding to a couple previously. It doesn’t do the thread any favors for anyone to do it because it causes strife between people.

I feel that, sadly someone is currently doing that about me but via twitter.

The problem is that people feel entitled to be heard and can’t stand it when someone refuses to give them the attention they seek.

It doesn’t matter why you ignore someone. It could be because they are a troll, racist, rude, etc. Or it could be as simple as you don’t vibe with that person and don’t want to interact with them.

There is no wrong reason to ignore someone because no one is entitled to be in your life that you don’t want there. You put yourself first, especially above random people online.

If someone is getting on your nerves, you ignore them and never have to deal with them again. This world is full of almost 8 billion people. You can afford to ignore the people that make you uncomfortable or that you don’t like.

Likewise, you won’t die if you get ignored. You’re not entitled to that person’s attention. Move on with your life. Find people who aren’t annoyed by you, who agree with you and like the same things as you.

Learn that not everyone is going to like you and that’s okay. You could be the nicest, least problematic person in the universe and you will still find people who don’t like you for whatever reason. And that’s okay.

If you feel the need to be liked by everyone and simply being ignored triggers you that badly, you need to take a step back from the internet, do some serious self reflection, and talk to someone who can help you work through your issues.

Ask yourself honestly - do you really want to talk to someone that doesn’t like you? Isn’t it better to talk to people who enjoy your company instead of people who are forced to endure you or who just pretend to like you because they don’t want to be mean/rude?

Personally, I feel bad being around people I know don’t like me. Why would I want to be friends with someone who doesn’t want to be friends with me? It’s weird and feels very controlling.

Vongola#1794 supports account wide ignores.

No one is entitled to my attention and if I don’t want you in my life, you won’t be there. Period.


Gru#1415 is right there with you.

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Fortunately, as is GD tradition, once something devolves into tantrums people would begin introducing unrelated gifs to derail negativity so that discussion could resume at a later time with a less-bitter taste.

Eh, I generalize because that ends up being the motive. If it’s a rule-breaker situation, and people report it, they are attempting to have said rule-breaker removed from the forums for something they said in a post, hence sending them to forum jail where they can’t interact with anyone.

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Good evening, all! I hope yesterday’s storms swept over with minimal issues for everyone, and that anyone still in their continued path towards the ocean are staying safe and keeping informed. :dracthyr_heart:

I’ve only skimmed, but I have seen a few instances of continued reasons why I would feel much more secure in using these forums were they to provide better privacy features - such as account-wide ignore.


I think that’s fair in some ways, not every rule is equal and some are quite mild. There are quite a few cases where I’d agree to the ‘can’t interact with anyone’ part though, but at times I wonder about the thought process about the ones enforcing the rules (I think that goes for a lot of spaces.)

I could hop on my Pally, follow you around and if necessary, use my shield to help you.

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why do you believe that you need more ignore features when the current system already allows the users to ignore someone?

I don’t know how to explain this any simpler for you.


I mean, sometimes I think the mods delete or restore posts without taking all of the context involved into consideration but I can’t really blame them for that when they are being brought in to handle flagged posts in threads with miles upon miles of replies.

Improvements to the ignore function (mainly account-wide, not showing ignored posts or threads from ignored users, not showing ignored posters in other player’s block quotes) would likely result in fewer people flagging posts once they put the person on ignore.


I made a meme. Maybe the visual stimuli will help here.


TL3 Powers, Activate!


We can only hope.

Not all heroes wear capes.


Last weekend I was a trust level three. It went down again and now I’m a sad panda.

no, you’re a sad belf, silly