Can we get account wide ignore?

Yep, Same here. Never found a need to ignore anyone yet. However I am not like everyone else. And i fully accept that if someone feels the need to put someone on ignore. I expect it to be for the entire account. I would not expect them to only ignore a single character.

It’s always the people you trust the most :dracthyr_cry_animated:

I’ll take them but you have to work hard to earn back my trust, mister!

Hitting someone with facts and logic = picking on them

Disagreeing with an unpopular opinion = picking on them


And that’s what it boils down to. The only people who are against this being implemented are people who use their alts to bypass ignores or further their own argument by pretending to be different people.

They are the only ones an account wide ignore will hurt and they know it. Their time is coming to an end but they’re trying to cling onto the very last threads of it.

Because people have mentioned adding battletags in this thread. That’s the argument they are responding to despite the actual thread being only about ignores (and my hundreds of forum suggestions lol)


He wants people who have him on ignore to ignore him but he doesn’t want people to actually have the ability to ignore him :confused:

Ok that math ain’t mathing


I will do whatever it takes to earn your trust back, I promise. :face_holding_back_tears:

I still start with daily trips to Taco Bell. Maybe even twice daily. Order whatever you like.

This is the primary thing people forget. Few people ever care about hear-say of “Oh, that person is an X Y or Z so don’t talk to them.” Everyone gets treated equally and fairly, however, once people start doing dumb things like admitting to being a con artist or causing problems on purpose, the people that witness that change their opinion of the person from neutral to bad.

They are still being treated fairly though they are treated as what they are. Fair treatment does not require forgiveness and acceptance of wrong doings. If they persist after being asked to stop, they step over the line and break the rules of respect and thus deserve no respect in kind. Remember: You cannot ask for people to respect you if you are disrespecting them, to earn respect you must first be respectful in turn.


This is why I almost always post on this toon. The only time I switch is if I have a specific question about a specific toon and I usually post that on their respective forum.


But sometimes I want an intelligent conversation

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You come here for that?

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Which is why I never talk to myself, because I’m as dumb as a bag of rocks :smiley:

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I agree whole heartedly

Sounds like it could work.

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No talking to myself is the intelligent conversation .

Some of you give reasonably good stimulating conversation but some of the others cause me to have to talk to myself just so I can raise my iq points back up .

Now now now… Lets not go there. That bag of rocks should not be insulted in such ways :smiley:

Yes, I wish more would do the same. All I wish for is for the community, in game, on the forums, and elsewhere to grow and become a place of more civility and understanding. (Not in the ‘tolerant of the intolerant’ kind of way, to prevent someone from misunderstanding what I mean.)

I am someone that’s actually for a lot of account-wide things (Likes, flags, ignores), but I also want Blizzard to deal with a lot of negative things that are reasons people are asking for/wanting account wide ignores and such. Sort of an ‘address the issue, not let it fester’ kind of thing.

I’m not sure about that, specific people saying it seems to carry weight with their friends and others that know them. But no system should be considered to, or not be implemented because of people wishing to not interact with others.

That is something I suggested over in the anonymous posting thread, where you could choose to display only your BattleTag if you really cared about privacy, but I guess it being optional flew over some peoples’ heads.

I would say, “treat others how you want to be treated and you won’t have to worry about it”, but I enjoy a good beating once in a while, so I’ll change it to, “treat people how you would want them to treat your mother.”


The psychology of Lil baffles and fascinates me, sometimes. That it never even crosses her mind “Perhaps I’m wrong and should change after all of these people have been hurt by me and abandoned me as a result” is truly boggling.

It’s like that she views herself as immutable, unchangeable, that any effort towards positive growth would be futile and unnecessary. Like she can just figure out a cheat code for having to reflect and grow and be a better person that other people will want to interact with, just hop into a new persona! Then all of that pesky learning and difficult changing isn’t needed.

I’m not remotely qualified to throw around terms like “Sociopathic”, I’m no psychologist and I only “know” the current persona that she’s putting on for the benefit of this discussion. But there are clearly some sparking wires hanging loose where there should be connections in a normal functioning thought process somewhere in the gray matter. I recommend hanging out in less online communities and more RL, in-person therapy.


You’re right, I’m sorry. Rocks may be lacking in intelligence but they are really nice and always there to back you up.


What bothers me is when you have a random troll really mistreating another player for their beliefs, feelings, or whatever. I have seen some of that in the LGBTQ+ thread. That’s when account wide ignore is very important. Some players should never have to hear from or deal with those kinds of people ever again. Regardless of what toon they are on.

Account wide ignore is a responsible necessity.


Ugh I hate that. Makes me instantly reach for my deodorant

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