Can we get account wide ignore?

Are you a prophet?

Is that an Australian version of an Orc? :wink:

That would be oi oi

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Awesome! Love it!

No, that’s the italian baquette :baguette_bread:


/steals tacos back

How dare


steals tacos from you

immediately feels bad

hands them right back with an extra taco

i think that is what everyone in this forum thread wants - for everyone to be treated equal and with kindness and respect.

that is my primary goal here.

That is the first thing you have said, in this whole thread, that has made sense.

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What, if I may fairly ask, can you cite to exhibit that?


What they don’t seem to get or willfully being ignorant of is an account wide ignore is pretty much telling the person " No means no "


Alright, Thank you.

And… how exactly was I picking on them?

was it when i started arguing with their own logic?


I have been in this thread for a few days now. I’m a little confused by his argument. It’s a simple concept. It’s not your toon I’m ignoring, it’s you.


Oh, the picking on them wasn’t specifically referring to you but others I have seen (Though there is no way I am getting through reading this entire thread - and probably not able to keep up with it daily.) Sorry for making you think that part was made towards you.

I think some of the anti account wide ignore people might have multiple personalities because they think each toon they have is an actual other person instead of the one actual person behind them all .


People should probably just stop responding to the troll altogether. They keep making up false arguments about how an account wide ignore suddenly would remove the ability to post on different characters when that is not what is being suggested here. Report as spam, report as trolling, ignore and move on.


If that were true, then none of you would want to meet my Warlock. He scares me sometimes.

You’re fine. That’s why I was curious. No harm, no foul. I know it’s easy for people not only fall on side of the argument but fall into the crowd as well.

I personally judge everyone from my own set of eyes. That’s not to say I won’t end up agreeing with a group over the other. But I draw my own conclusions about the individual.

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What do the forums have to do with the health of the game outside of RP, Class, Race and PvP forums?

Most of the feed back they read probably comes from those forums as well as the in development section (Beta/PTR) . What ever ideas make it into GD generally get buried by the people we want to have account wide ignores for.

I personally don’t ignore, but I believe it should be an option for anyone who needs it.

edit: As long as it’s not me that is being ignored. :wink:


I’ve ignored a couple people, there is a couple I’ve seen obviously only here to cause trouble and be toxic.

But mostly I just ignore it. Though I learned if toxic people/trolls get ignored enough, they just move on because they stop getting attention (learned that from the starfield forums on steam, all us starfield fans started blocking the trouble makers and they eventually just went away lol)