Can we get account wide ignore?

Strawman drawn from my point re: ingame in Diablo. It also completely ignores points of mine from earlier re: how an account-wide ignore would be possible here and/or how it could function without removing the current functionality completely.


hello ard, i wanted to ask your opinion on my conclusion that i found this morning:

what are your thoughts on this?

If you think people are breaking the rules, you should report them and let the moderators do their job instead of trying to instigate a witch hunt.


That is my point, that you don’t take your own advice and often do exactly what you tell others not to do.


Hmm, if that were true, then the anonymous posting thread wouldn’t have been delisted and closed due to moderator action.


Cooler heads, please…


I suppose you’re then saying the same thing about the prior threads relating to the topic as well, which would technically include this one early on.

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That’s a whole lot of words to say that you’re just here to cause trouble instead of letting the moderators deal with what you believe to be a violation of forum rules.

So, good luck with that.


If we can keep it civil. I can promise I shall never post this GIF again. :slight_smile:


It’s her whole personality at this point. I’ve never seen her post once where she wasn’t complaining about other people :dracthyr_shrug:

Some people just live for drama.

Just ignore and go about your business. It’ll be best for your sanity.


Yes, I am asking for more civility and to not do the exact things you’re trying to accuse others of from certain posters and for equal and fair treatment instead of continuing to deride only specific posters that do it. If you believe a behavior is wrong, then it is wrong, no matter which poster is doing it. Not just those you don’t like.

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Yeah, I gave them a shot, but added them to my ignore list.


Just out of curiosity, was this post directed at me? I didn’t see a direct reply to icon but since it states

It sort of makes me think it is. If so, that’s cool. I’m just curious.

It is not a this or that debate, you can achieve both of those by account wide ignores and or btag. Not having to deal with trolls, that also like the game, on the forums would make the overall community healthier. Which in turn would make the in-game experience healthier, less toxicity overall.

Furthermore account-wide ignore should also apply from the forums to their characters in-game.


Especially if the trolls and those who are toxic are constantly ignored. Eventually, they will burn all their bridges and be left only with other trolls.

They’ll get bored and either stop trolling or move on to a different place which, again, helps make the community healthier.


Yes, it was. I am happier when things are more civil, which is all I was really asking for in the first place. More civility and equal treatment would be great all around, and I don’t really like seeing people pick on others for things they are doing themselves.


I’m telling you they are going the basic narcisist thing.

" If everyone else has a problem with you the problem is not you , the problem is everyone else"


if that were true, then the diablo forums would already have been enabled to show characters.

My health is more important, that is why it’s important to have account wide ignore. If I choose, I don’t want my account to acknowledge yours; as an example.


Streaks by and grabs tacos

zug aug