Can we get account wide ignore?

This is very eloquently written and more important, correct.

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I don’t understand your thinking. What are you afraid of when it comes to ignoring characters over accounts? Is it that when you switch characters people won’t be able to read what you were ignored for in the first place? You’re not making sense.

If you are a person that is writing or thinking something that is causing you to be ignored you have no right to have your thinking heard on another character by another player that has already deemed you unworthy of their time. That’s it, you’re done. There is no immersion or continuing the conversation because you want to. You’re done. You’re ignored. It’s over. Take your ball and go home because we don’t want to play with you anymore.


but you can already ignore someone if you choose without having to ruin the RPG elements of the wow forum by removing the player’s ability to post on their favorite character.

some people like to change characters in order to discuss certain class changes, show off transmog, etc.

i don’t think we should really remove that RPG element from the forums.

Ignoring a account does not stop from a player from posting on various characters. It seems like your actual argument just stems from. People will ignore my account and I won’t be able to interact with them from my various other characters.

And you know what. Yep! If I ignore someone, I never wish to interact with that person again. I didn’t ignore them so I didn’t have to interact with that character. I blocked the person and that’s how it should be.

And for the record. In almost 20 years in game I have only blocked Gold Sellers and now. I don’t even do that. I just tight click and report. Which gives a temp block and is a side effect of the report anyway.


Why are you replying to yourself? Forget what alt you are on?


the primary function of the forums is to act as a bridge to the MMO game by allowing players to connect with other players and if we remove the ability for players to post on their characters, that could be hindered.

Being ignored by another player doesn’t prevent you from posting. It just prevents you from interacting with a person that has interest in interacting with you.


Strawman. The only thing that can remove the ability for someone to post on a given character is moderator action making that so. Ignoring is the exercise of a person’s right to freedom of association. This does not invalidate the reasons you posted for changing characters for class changes, transmog, etc.


If you ignore someone in game and they attempt to circumvent that ignore by contacting you. Using a alternate character, account or even a third party will count as harassment.

Soo… thank you for helping out by bridging the two


People are not entitled to everyone’s attention or oppertunity to “connect” If we see someone who acts like a right wing/conservative debate pervert in trade/local chat, we’re ignoring them.

If you are fearful of being ignored by others, you should reflect on what would cause people to do that. You might surprise yourself.


Considering what they have said in other threads (mine and otherwise), wouldn’t surprise me if it’s something hateful and or just demeaning to people.


It’s what it usually is. People who cry about free speech want to be able to just say anything, and if they meet opposition from it, it’s “censorship” And usually, like you pointed out, it’s commonly to dehumanize others or harm.

For example, I don’t say slurs, and not once in my life have I ever been restricted in my speech in any situation. It’s never been a fear or thought of mine because people enjoy when I talk with them.


I ignore them then report them .

That way I’m not put into LFG with them through a dungeon finder.


Here is the updated version with more suggestions c:

Vongola#1794 is requesting:

Account wide ignores so we can ignore one time instead of 30.

  • Someone who is ignored should not be able to see our profile.
  • Someone who is ignored should not be able to reply to us.
  • We shouldn’t be notified when someone who is ignored replies to us.

Battle Tags or Usernames so people can’t switch to a different character pretending to be a different person.

  • Let us choose a username or use our BTag to tie all of our characters to our account.
  • Trust level is now account wide but is taken back down to 0 if you get banned.
  • We can still change characters, but our btag/username will show underneath the character.

Forum themes so we can customize our viewing experience.

  • A simple little drop down at the bottom of the page to let us change the color or choose a theme from various expansions.

A friend’s list so we can easily connect with people.

  • Adding DMs lets us make friends without having to add them in game or on discord.
  • Privacy settings lets us choose to block all requests/messages or let anyone send us a request/message.

A taco tuesday thread that opens up on tuesday.

  • People are free to discuss tacos, share recipes and post pictures of tacos but only on tuesday.
  • Every other day, the thread is locked.

Dislikes so people can show they don’t support a post without flagging it.

  • In my experience, some people use the flagging system as a dislike system. Adding dislikes can help solve this.

Unlimited likes to help spread positivity and encouragement!

  • The fact that we run out of likes is a problem because people end up spamming just to say they agree because they can’t like.
  • There’s no downside, in my opinion, for unlimited likes.

Allow cussing because we are all adults and this game isn’t for kids.

  • I personally see nothing wrong with cussing so long as it’s not aimed at another person.
  • I’ve seen posts with important messages be removed just because of ONE cussword.
  • 99% of this community are adults and this game is rated T for Teen. Teens tend to cuss more than adults do.
  • Let the sailors be free.

Trust levels displayed under our character portrait.

  • If you add a progress bar (like a level bar), people won’t bother the mods so much about asking if they are close to level 3 c:
  • Each level could get their own little emoji or symbol to represent that level.
  • Tier three could also get more benefits like setting their own title to appear beside their trust level.

Armory update button so we can force the system to update our mogs.

  • Currently, the system is very finicky. For some, it takes weeks to update while others can get it to update multiple times in one day.
  • Places like PSN Profiles has an update button that tells the system to pull the latest information. Something like this would be cool for the armory.
  • A restriction would be needed to keep things from getting overwhelmed. Once an hour seems fine.

Thanks for coming to my taco talk :taco:

I swear I’ll stop adding suggestions, it’s getting long and I don’t want to annoy people :sweat_smile:


i would have to politely disagree with that. i believe it does.

personally, if someone ignored me, that has literally zero bearing on me whatsoever.

i don’t mind if someone ignores me: i am here to ensure that the overall health of the WoW MMORPG does not suffer so that a few people can change the forums. as i stated earlier, removing the ability for a user to post from their character on the forums for transmog purposes, class discussions, RPG fun can harm WoW the MMORPG and the forums are here to assist the overall health of the WoW MMORPG, not hinder it.

Why does it bother you so much that someone doesn’t want to play in your sandbox anymore, regardless of what character you are on?


Thank you for being our unrequired protector.

Daily support for account wide everything


Because if everyone ignores them for their bad behavior, they will only be left with those who are just like them and that’s not fun. You can’t troll a troll, it just doesn’t work!