Can we get account wide ignore?

Akar, probably best to not respond to them. They won’t give you an answer, and they’re just attempting to troll to get the thread shut down.

They still haven’t provided a link for how anonymous posting would be good for people according to their so called “research”


I’m still beside myself with their explanation of forum codes of conduct and “opinions”…

some people want account wide ignore, other people do not want account wide ignore.

just allow those people to choose what they want

They won’t give you an answer, sadly. Some people go in so many circles they put NASCAR drivers to shame, for that is how the trolls operate, once you provide real evidence or problems with their argument they either ignore it completely, or they go off on an unrelated tangent.


Which they did… and that led to something so incredibly WTF that I suffered whiplash…

I still have no idea why they seemed to so vehemently defend hypothetical anti-LGBTQ rhetoric as “opinions” and something that only violates the forum CoC if a moderator decides to say so… which bewilders me, something either does or doesn’t, and anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric is pretty clear-cut.


You mean they go around in circles that they make the actual circle look like a triangle?

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The compromise you proposed flew in the face of your earlier complaints about account wide ignores.


People are people and all different. Like flowers in a field. We should all be happy to enjoy the flowers instead of choking them out like weeds. I know how I feel about society. I prefer our differences because if we were all the same, we would a horribly boring species.


That sounds almost Vulcan. You sure your ears aren’t supposed to be shorter?

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THey could offer another free change if they decide to use btags as the way to do account wide ignores

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If I could post images I would of posted the litle taco girl going
“Por que no los dos”
"Why not both "

Oh, if we are doing a flower analogy, yes. The people are like flowers, some you like, some you don’t like, then there are ones that are actual weeds which by their nature do nothing but harm the other flowers for the gardener that lets weeds infest their Garden often loses the ability to admire their flowers.

Evening request for better privacy features for the WoW forums, including but not limited to: account-wide ignore/likes/flags/trust level, and either Battletags or a unified forum account.

I hope everyone in the storm paths today are keeping safe - sounds like there will be a few overnight ones, so be sure to have some method of waking up in case of alerts or immediate danger! :tornado: Hopefully things here in our neck of the woods die down, as I’ve got a rough anxiety-headache and the wife needs her sleep for an early shift.


You and your fam stay safe :people_hugging:


Yeah, hail started coming in while I’m driving. Not necessarily fun stuff, but it is equally shocking to find people are driving without any lights on when rain and hail are coming down so hard there is no visibility 10 ft ahead of you.


Whereabouts are you folks that you’re getting storms?

Rhode island, moved up here a few years ago. They can handle three feet of snow in an hour but if it rains for 5 minutes everything floods.

Been trying to contact, but you’re in an Alternate Universe :ringer_planet:

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Oh gosh, I really hope you are well and your vehicle didn’t take too much damage! We’ve (so far) dodged hail on our side of things, but it has been raining absolute waterfalls off and on all afternoon into the evening hours. I’ve been a little concerned our nearby creek might flood, but it’s got a pretty steep hill to climb before it could become an actual threat for us.

Sadly not entirely shocked some folks are driving around without lights on, though. As many years as I’ve lived thus far, one thing I’ve learned well is that some people are just genuinely baffling!

Thankfully neither I nor the wife had to go out today (aside from her grabbing us an early take-out dinner before the storms really got going). I’ve been hearing some of the roads north of us were getting flooded. :sob:

We are doing our best! I’ve brought flashlights out in case of power outage, all our devices are charged, and our safe space has been kept clear and clean in case we need to jump in it. Just hoping we will get through these last hours without anything rougher than what we’ve seen thus far! :crossed_fingers:

Around some of the south-eastern coast states, at least for the wifey and I. We aren’t getting battered quite as hard as some places - I have family in Kentucky, and they have been going through the ringer down there all day :sob: - but we’re definitely getting some run-off from it all. Not fun!

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Times like these (spring to summer transition months) that I was Supercell was still around. Having a trained meteorologist on the forums was so awesome.

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