Can we get account wide ignore?

You’re not a forum troll. You’re a Blood Elf. Forum trolls are another group of trolls that people just want to avoid.

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There already is an opt out it’s called not ignoring people. Not sure what else you think they should be able to opt out of here. If they can only be seen by people who opted out…then that already happens because those people just don’t use the ignore option. Right?

Such a weird idea I am trying to wrap my brain around it.

The end result just means that people who opt out are consolidated to those who don’t block you while those who opt in are people who opted to block you in the first place.

Not everything has to be a toggle.

I ignore people that I no long want to see what they say. That doesn’t mean they are breaking forum rules, which is the only reason to report a post. Reporting is not downvoting.

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100000% false.

Then again, you’re replying to someone who agreed with someone saying being told to off yourself is just an opinion :roll_eyes:

Opinions are like butts. Everyone has one, but not everyone wants to see you flashing it around like you’re something special.


Had to fix it. We all know the Pally is a quadrillion times false.

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Let my put it this way, those that opt-in might not be ones that ignore anyway, those that opt out of an accountwide ignore will only be seen by others that do. The overall idea is let people choose with the assumption that all those that opt out will be the ones against it.

Mainly, if these people want to keep trolling or whatever, let them, just make it so it will just be trolls trolling trolls.

Are you saying that we should have a sub forum for trolls? :grimacing:

I don’t believe this is productive.
If I’m new to the forum, then I’d be pressed to try and figure out why the forums behave completely differently to different users.

Moreover, why would Blizzard waste time just to facilitate trolling by giving them their own unique category? Seems silly.


Yes and no, that will likely be the end result with an opt-out to account wide ignores, but there will not be an actual separate forum for them

I still don’t get it. Are you saying you want to make a category for people who don’t want account wide ignore that will pretty much self flag themselves to be ignored by everyone who does want it?

I am pretty sure nobody would use that, as the whole point is to not be account wide ignored…which is what flagging yourself that way would do. ie you flag as anti account wide, and now everyone who flagged as account wide is ignoring you.

Sorry but this doesn’t make sense to me, and would be a total waste of time.

Instead people should be able to account wide ignore and I guess we could also allow character only, but I think that is dicing it too thin. It makes no sense except when roleplaying.

Keep it simple, give us account wide ignores to clean up multi charactering on the forums.

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They do have the right to express any opinion. They don’t have the right to force people to read it. Blizzard gave us the ability to ignore posters, I will use it.


Like I said:

It is just the ones against it have their own reasons, and want there to be an opt out.

The only real reason they have is they want to troll and that should not be supported or facilitated in any way.

I would prefer you have the ability to account wide ignore them. That way your account cannot see their account, ever.


Are they providing legitimately good reasons as an example for why or are you just there to poison the well for them?

And to drive that home, we might just have to give them a taste of their own medicine, see how they like it when all they deal with is the ones that make the rest of us want accountwide ignores.


They just won’t use it. Trolls don’t like picking on trolls, they like messing things up for others. I don’t think anyone would ever hit that check box.


Then that means they are subject to being ignored accountwide if/when such is implemented.

Add a report button for false reporting. Level the playing field, make Blizzard do their job. I doubt they want the last shell of their game full of people who only derive fun off hurting others due to lack of hugs, I assume.

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