Can we get account wide ignore?

Yeah. The only way to wrap your mind around their argument is to get a lobotomy. Need the hollow space and a lot of tin foil. They are only here to frustrate and annoy so it’s best to Simply exercise the right to ignore them. Trust me, if you try to argue with it, you will be stuck in an endless loop and it isn’t worth the headache or frustration.


And it should be when you ignore them you don’t see a line with “ignored content”.

I ignored them for a reason, I don’t also need to see that they are posting.

I don’t ignore too many people, but when I do, it’s because they’ve shown to NOT be someone I need to interact with at all.

Make them disappear, Blizz.


Also to heck with it… I’ve got no problem and will gladly deny any attempt to add me that I can’t somehow tie to an Awesome Bean.



So they can switch alts to bypass the ignore. You’re just proving exactly why the forums need account wide ignores.


I’m fine with account wide ignore.

If they need a test pilot for battletags on this forum I volunteer. Just slap my btag on this guy I post with and see what happens. :grin:


The very length of this topic which is almost entirely filled with people arguing with maybe 3 people on about 15 characters proves the need for account wide ignore. It is a massive net gain, and should not be impossible to implement with the current authentication system. It would lower toxicity.

Remember right now 1 account can have 60 and soon to be 65 characters. It’s ridiculous to have to block 60 characters just to have the ability to ignore one person.

Daily support for account wide ignores at the very least.


All I would request is a user would have the option to change their battletag a single time at launch of the system. That way for the users who may of unwisely chosen a poor Battletag could have a chance to remedy that situation. Other than that. I absolutely agree.


Yeah, but how many times are you allowed to change your btag? I believe it’s only once in a lifetime.

Btag is a paid change I believe.

I’m a person that doesn’t ignore anyone and I believe that people who use or need it should have the ability to account wide ignore. There are some people who should never be heard from again, as long as it’s not me.


You are not in danger of this, trust me.

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I’m not sure. I picked mine many years ago. My kids, when they were little, said I reminded them of Gru from Despicable Me, and I have been that ever since.

but you don’t have any proof that anyone in this thread is posting on multiple characters, do you?

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First change is free of charge; subsequent are $10. No documentation of hard limit to total lifetime changes.


I legitimately can’t tell if you are trolling or actually that clueless.


Why not both?


I have Mad ignored, but can see the quotes. There is plenty of proof, it’s just not definitive. Mad especially has certain tell tale grammar issues.

The very fact that it is debatable is corrosive to the conversations on here. Is the person your talking to just an alt? You don’t know and that causes it’s own set of issues. Account wide block would help with that, but btags/one character posting would be best.


then it really isn’t proof if it isn’t definitive, is it?

Kind of like your sources that you would quote for us but not link.


Eh, all that would take to counter is all those that opt in automatically ignore all those that opt out. If these people want to keep their things secret/hidden, let them deal with each other while the rest of us discuss things peacefully.

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