Can we get account wide ignore?

Is it due to all of the sand?

Which they have. The account that Doob is posting from now doesn’t do anything but post to the forum. That’s some next-level dedication.

Fortunately, Doobly/Khrog/Etc is an edge case.

Anyway, I’m sure that Blizzard super appreciates Doob’s dedication to their financial stability despite costing their forum mods so many man hours in moderation and review, but that having been said other people internal to Blizzard have stated on the forums that they want to cut down on alt abuse and that changes are coming, it’ll just take time. This thread is our way of letting the higher-ups know that we think that this is something that should be prioritized, and it would’ve died out a long time ago aside from the occasional bump if not for the perpetual contrarians using it as a trolling post and an Argument Clinic.


Ok and so what if they can. I don’t want to see posts from that poster on any character they may have. They are rude, obnoxious, vile, hateful, racist, sexist or whatever. Why should I have to suffer through any of that? Why should anyone?


No one should be subject to vile terms labeled as “opinions” by those that wish to spew those… “opinions.”

They are, infact, not opinions but hate. Hate has no place anywhere.


I haven’t seen anything to suggest that this would require a massive overhaul of the forums functionality; you’d be shifting the flag for ignore from the character to the Btag which would remain hidden from public view.

And it occurs to me that this might actully make the forums run even better, since it would make it so it doesn’t have to track as many ignores everything would load faster.


Less queries, and/or less time executing those queries, is definitely a good thing. Reduces overall database read/write load.


Shifting over to BattleTags, and thus account-wide ignore, would be super easy since that’s how these forums were configured to work in the first place. All the other Blizzard forums use BattleTags just fine.

Now if they wanted us to be able to use BattleTags and our characters, that would probably be more complicated.


I think my favourites are when people try and tell me (a guy who has done labor jobs for 26 years) about how threatened they feel as men by creative decisions in dragonflight.


That’s how it’s done on some of their other games.

all you need to do is ignore them right now.

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You need to stop misquoting what the Customer Support staff has said:

“It isn’t as common as people may think, but it isn’t rare either.”

Let me find the post, then I’ll show you.


Wait, hold up:

Are you proposing that Btag’s be made public? Because that’s what it would take to do this.


Then what’s to stop them from hopping on another toon and posting more nonsense? I would rather not see anything they have to say regardless of what toon they are on. Whoop-de-doo a blue poster can tell if they are sock-puppeting. I can’t, yet. I would rather engage in productive or jocular conversation instead of spending an afternoon ignoring characters.


I think they should.



Like… if that’s what they’re proposing it’s simultaneously a huge PitA for players while also presenting potential problems… and it would make the forums run slower as people were made to manually flag potentially dozens of characters to prevent one poster from being seen by them.

It’s so much worse in everyway then what anyone here is asking for.


Mal#1700 here for continued support.

I am actually surprised there is an argument against it since so far we have one nay sayer saying it is completely fine to lie and manipulate people to get what they want and another that says there is no difference between clicking ignore 1 time or 60 times just to ignore one person.

It is kind of shocking.


People are still going in circles with that Paladin. I think it’s time to move on.


you can report the new character (if you truly believe someone is sock puppetting) and then you can use the ignore function.

This is a no-brainer. I’m trying to wrap my head around the counter argument and all I come up with is a flute playing Done Dirt Cheap by ACDC. It’s weird!


PS I know my BE Demon Hunter is sexy and I keep posting my BTag. That doesn’t mean I’m on the market. My wife and I are about to celebrate 24 years married in six days. Thanks if your interested, but no thanks. :wink:


Congrats on your pending anniversary!