Can we get account wide ignore?



Yes please!


sometimes people just post their opinions on this forum and those opinions are not always liked by everyone - that is perfectly fine: someone has no obligation to agree with every opinion here.

but we do need to realize that simply because a person posts an opinion that we disagree with, that person has the right to hold that opinion and has the right to express that opinion on these forums.

But they also said, it’s not rare either. You keep forgetting to mention that part.


Thank you for taking the time to cut up my post and dissect it.

I’m sorry but there are some things that are posted that no one should have to see. Waiting for hours or days for it to be dealt with is difficult to comprehend. I should also mention that I have problem where I want to see why a post is hidden and many times, I wish I hadn’t. Arrogant ignorance and stupidity seem to live in some people like a disease.


We’re at :ice_cube: :peach: everyone!


i’m sorry but we, as forums users, do not get to make that decision - that is a decision that can only be made by the moderators of the forum.

i’m sorry but just because you have this issue doesn’t mean that blizzard needs to overhaul the forums.

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I believe with the comments made in Fuzz’s thread and some of the comments around here, it’s exceedingly clear why you are doing what you’re doing.

Frozen Peaches? Hm… I could indeed partake in a frozen treat right about now. A smoothie would be delightful.


i merely stated my opinion and there was nothing wrong with that.

I enjoy not agreeing with everyone. I enjoy the free expression and discussion of ideas. It saddens me when I see people attack others for who they are. That has no place on this forum, or in society for that matter.

And your opinion is deserving of file 13. Good day.


Sure we do. It’s called a report button.

Oh boy, I’ll just keep in mind that the next one to call me a g----er is just “stating an opinion”, by golly!

Seriously… was this thought through?


unfortunately, we, as forum users, don’t have the authority to make that decision.

yes that is correct, you are free to report a post whenever you believe it may be in violation of the CoC - but your report doesn’t guarantee that the post will be removed nor will it guarantee that the poster will be actioned.

you report the post and moderators make this decision.

if the moderators do not remove the post, then the post was not violating the CoC and there is nothing more that a forum user can do.

None of this is changed by account wide ignores.

Oh my sweet fox, I’m sure that paladin gets all their “opinions” from the most reliable of sources.

I am attempting my best to sound sarcastic via text.


but you can also use the current ignore system to hide the opinions of a poster that you don’t want to see.

This is 100% false. There are absolutely opinions that should not be posted on these forums. Hatespeech and racism are clear examples of that.


Something tells me that I’m just beating a dead horse talking to you. Yes, my ability to silence someone doesn’t exist. That’s obvious.


In the absence of the use of comic sans, I shall accept your sarcasm graciously.