Can we get account wide ignore?

i think the current status quo is perfectly fine, honestly.

well the moderators will take the action that they feel is appropriate - if the moderators choose to only remove the post and not action the account, then that is the penalty that the post deserves - we have the ability to ignore and report but we do not get to tell the moderators what punishment or penalty to use.

If something falls under a temp-ban-level category, and the post is deleted but the person is free to continue without repercussion, then it’s not being applied correctly. That’s happened. Hell, most of us here that have been supporting account-level ignore on the WoW forums have seen it.


but you don’t get to decide whether or not a post falls into this category, that is something that only the moderators get to decide.

See it’s even stupider then that, because everyone who would “opt in” wouldn’t be the kind of player that these sorts of accountability issues would be an issue for while the ones who Wouldn’t would be the kind who are.

It would be a completely useless gesture.


You are aware that some things are clear-cut right? Like, citing as example, calling someone that’s gay or trans a child predator? There’s things clearly spelled out in the forum code of conduct for that.

I’ve seen it happen. I’ve flagged it. I’ve seen posts removed, but the poster could continue. And the category of offense spells out pretty clear, copied and pasted:
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

Be temporarily banned from the forums
Be given a final warning, after which any further Code of Conduct violations may result in a permanent ban from the forums


no, not everything is as clear-cut as you would say, and the moderators are the ones who make this decision, not the forum users.

I always get torn on subjects like this. I believe in the free expression and discussion of ideas and it’s a shame when people “ignore” because they don’t like it. I have never ignored anyone, but rather report and move on. I won’t begrudge anyone the right to have that option as you mention.

I don’t know. I guess it’s personal for each of us on how we want to deal with it. I know I can and do troll some threads for fun and then have a real conversation in others. I also know how to respect. It’s just too bad some don’t. The anonymity of the internet gives them power to say things in that is trapped in their heads and they are too afraid to say it out loud and in front of people.

See above, I’ve pulled the relevant section to my example.

Too true sadly…


That’s not clear cut. That’s just ignorance.


It’s willful ignorance no less, and that’s worse.


yes i see this but i would like to reiterate that the forum posters do not have the authority to determine that a post falls within the confines of this category - that is a job for the moderators and ONLY the moderators: all we can do is report and move on.

There are some things that should result in a permaban.

Hold up, so you’re telling me - that as a trans person myself - if someone calls me a child predator because of that fact, that doesn’t meet the criteria for that in the published Forum Code of Conduct unless a moderator says it?



yes, the code of conduct is applied by the moderators - that is their job. it is not our job to look at a post and determine whether or not it deserves a silence or other penalties.

Shame on you.


Does that mean you should have to read that nonsense continually until the “system” or a “moderator” does something about it? What about if it’s a temporary ban and that person comes back, or they only get a forum ban and they realize it was you and retaliate in game? No, at that point I shouldn’t have to deal with it. I should be able to unsee them.


In game if you are reported by enough people then the “system” will take action. On the forums, the post is just hidden until a moderator can make a decision. Until then you are stuck with the fact that it is there, or the player make more posts.


Holy moly, I did not expect that to be the hill we’re dying on today, but… here we are.

… anyone got a lawnchair? Patio furniture? A charcoal grill?


Or we can just have the ability to ignore their account instead of playing whack-a-mole.


no, not at all. you can simply ignore them and move along.

you still have the option to ignore them.

that is something entirely different and not within the scope of this discussion - in game infractions and penalties are for a different team, not the forum moderators: in that case, the best option is to open a ticket with WoW Customer support and report ongoing harrassment along with evidence that this harrassment is occurring.

for example, take screenshots of the offender saying or doing these actions.

after the person engages in harrassment against you, take screenshots for evidence, but do not reply or engage with them, simply place them on ignore.

the WoW customer support team will take appropriate action based on the evidence at hand.

yes that is correct.

the post is hidden, so no one has to view it.

also you have the option of ignoring the poster.