Can we get account wide ignore?

Compromise in the order of “Okay, I’ll agree to this proposal, but it has to be opt-in only… ohandbythewayI’mnotopting in” is not compromise, just figure this’ll help future posters.


Their version of compromise is, “let me continue to troll the forums by switching alts and make sure people will ignore only the character and not my account”


Remember when they wanted a bearded lady filter in my bearded lady thread if the option were added in?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.


… now I want some Goldfish.


everyone on the forums here are important and we should take everyone’s suggestions into account when making new forum changes.

new changes should not be implemented without a compromise.

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Ok, if you want to opt-out of account wide ignores, it means you ignore the character-server. And for those of us who want account wide ignore, it means we ignore the account, and not just the character-server.

That is the deal. Accept it, or move on. Because you do not get to control on what others see, or who they chose to ignore.


I can hear it now…




The Forums by design are opt in and this wouldn’t change in the event of this; literally no one outside of the mods are actually required to be here.

True, this was meant as a critique of their “compromise” in name only as being opt-in.

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well, not really when you think about the content of the forums.

players need to post on the customer service forums for some resolutions.

so, in order to play the game, you very likely will need to post on the forums at some point.

thus, any new changes to the forums should ensure that no one feels alienated.

It took a minute but I found it.


Spoiler alert: It’s not alienation that the opposition generally fears; it’s the loss of the ability to swap, be forgotten, and possibly re-engage as “someone completely different”.


Which I’m not sure why the person that you’re responding to would object to that, seeing as that’s what they did.

It’s also not the case that there needs to be compromise in all situations, like, there’s no need to compromise between you wanting to live your life and someone wanting to break into your house. You don’t need to find a middle point between you being whole and healthy and a random person wanting to beat you up.

Account-wide ignores IS already the compromise, also, walked back from Btags showing on every post. Shockingly, the goalposts got punted again once that was the aim.


how would you be able to honestly make this judgment? has any one from the opposition to account wide ignores told you that this is how they feel?

The fun part is I have them on ignore right now and I’m only seeing snippets of what they say in here from quotes.

Anything past 10k posts apparently it perma hides if you’re on ignore. It should be like that regardless of post account.


At worst I think it should still let you manually open it, to see if something needs to be addressed in some cases.

They’re always moving the goalpost. I don’t even know why I am even surprised about this.


And everyone has told that opposition how they feel when people use there characters in a way that the community dislikes, but you seem to ignore that.


At this point, the goals are in the next city over.


It’s a weirdly specific and minute thing to insist on not wanting to see on other’s characters. I mean, I get not thinking much of other’s mogs or whatever, but insisting on a filter?

Having said that…I once had someone harass me on another draenei character simply for having the temerity to play a character he thought was “weird-looking”. I guess if he had had his way, you could filter out whole races…? :woman_shrugging:t4: