Can we get account wide ignore?

A compromise is not really worth pursuing at this point. Unlike in every other Blizzard-operated forum, characters are treated as the forum account, meaning someone can be disruptive on as many accounts as they have characters for. If they opt-out, then people that they pursue are stuck with ignoring them on every single character, and having to react to it every single time - which is the status quo right now, and the very reason account-wide ignore on the forums has been requested.


So people can still use alts to bypass the ignores to troll and sockpuppet? Yeah, no, that is not a good compromise. What would be a compromise is that we have account wide ignores, and if you don’t like it, you create an entire new BNet account, and pay for the game and gametime to use to post on the forums if you don’t want people to know the real you.

Then that way, we can still have you fully ignored and we’re not wasting time putting each and every character of yours on ignore.


well, so you’re basically telling me that you want to get what you want and nothing else matters?

i think the most important part of implementing new features on the forum would be that everyone walks away from it feeling like they got something that makes them happier about the forums,

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See above, Ayakuma encapsulated exactly what I meant here. And “everyone walking away feeling like they got something” is… not what your suggestion is. For it to be rendered void, those who want to abuse the forums simply need not opt in. And we’re back to square soddin’ one.


so how would you implement account wide ignores in a way that would be beneficial to everyone, making all parties satisfied?

I just said it:


An improvement need not be beneficial to all parties involved, especially if it is meant to address specific parties and their behaviors - which is exactly what the account-wide suggestion is.

You’re attempting to de-fang this in entirety, and you’re attempting to undermine those who see that such a compromise is that in name only.


Seriously. The only thing you’ll get from them is a circular conversation that ends in frustration for you and only you, after you’ve spent way more time than you intended discussing absolutely nothing. It’s how they’ve been trolling this topic for months on multiple alts. They know the things they’re suggesting are completely ridiculous.


well, see that is the major problem with the suggestion of this thread - it only benefits a select few people while others are not given any sort of compromise.

personally, my belief is that if we cannot reach a compromise, then there shouldn’t be any changes to the forums.

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Absolutely bonkers to think that an account-wide ignore should be something people could opt out of. That’d defeat the entire purpose of implementing account-wide ignore in the first place.


Heads up you’ll keep talking in loops with that paladin.

I wonder if that Paladin is T-Squad on a different account attempting to pretend to be someone else? :scream: :scream: :scream:


I doubt it.


True. But anything is possible.

I mean… possibly but T virus had a different… idk posting style I guess?

Like they were very clear with what they were doing etc.

The pally just goes in a circle of “Nuh uh!”


Oh come off it: If someone’s using multiple characters to sockpuppet or harass someone, or even attempt to get out “edgy” (read: usually actually bigoted) stuff on the forums, then compromise is off the table and always will be.

… I realize that this is going to verge into a personal jab, but why suggest this compromise unless you yourself want to take advantage of that opt-in loophole, or perhaps someone you support does?

Oh, I know… it’s an infinite data else-if loop… it means RUN LIKE YOU’VE NEVER RUN BEFORE!


well perhaps there should be no changes if there can be no compromise.

compromise is very important.

i thought my suggestion was a good compromise and would help everyone involved to feel as though any future forum changes would benefit all parties involved, which ensures everyone still enjoys using the forums.

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Yeah, you do have a valid point.


I just gave you your compromise, why can’t you accept it:


Because… “Nuh uh!”