Can we get account wide ignore?

I’m sorry I’m not allowed to talk about my experience with deleted posts so can’t comment on that.

But I didn’t delete whatever it was I said to avoid punishment entirely, I did it to mainly help the forum flow and get back on topic,

In my opinion though one change that needs to happen is if you say something wrong or offensive and your post gets reported, you should be allowed to scroll straight to that post so you can delete it,

As let’s face it not everyone whose conduct online is disorderly is doing it out of malice sometimes people don’t think through what they are saying

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Can we get a Realm /ignore as well?

Hi there. You mean anyone from a specific realm is ignored?

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Thats what I want…mainly Blackrock lol

why do you want a full realm ignore? do u want it in-game or on the forums?

Ingame, and Blackrock server lol
Almost all of the scams, gold/run/leveling bots and profession bots are from Blackrock that we see on our server…its so infested I just want to ignore the whole realm.

Kind of an odd request and circumstance.

How would that helps ya like why them?

Oh you posted that right when I posted woops.

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While I know it will never happen it is on my wish list. I would be happy if the ignore list was account wide so I wouldn’t have to /ignore on each toon.

It’s supposed to be but I imagine there’s so many of the spammers that they just keep making accounts to spam trade or what have you.

The services channel is just a mess.

least it’s all contained in one spot I guess.

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In game? the devs have said no about that. Hell, even you can’t even post a in the group finder you are blocking people from a different realm, and if reported, they will silence or suspend you. Search the CS forums, it comes up all the time.

You can, just turn off all the chat channels through your chat settings.

just remove chat. i did at one point lol

If that’s what you’ve convinced yourself by all means. I just think you’re trying to fool yourself, though. With more than one sentence from that last statement.

Good morning everyone! Early morning support for account-wide ignores and better privacy functions for the forum, including a unified forum account of some sort.

Bad storms moving through the eastern half of the States today, so everyone stay safe and keep informed on the weather in your area! :dracthyr_heart::tornado:


Coordinated ignores, what will they think of next.

I love how they come up with these whackadoodle conspiracies to justify why account-wide ignores could be abused, but anonymous posting is always sunshine and rainbows.


I coordinate with every single alt of mine on who to ignore and who to not engage with. Does that count as Coordinated Ignores?


Time for account wide ignores, blizz. We all want it. Get it done. Thanks.


ok so what i’ve understood from participating in this discussion is that there are people who want account wide ignore on the wow forums and there are also people who do not want account wide ignore on the forums.

i believe that the best course of action would be to engage with a compromise so that both sides would be satisfied.

so, in order to please both sides, we should implement optional account wide ignores.

basically, with optional account wide ignores - if someone wants their alts and their main to be tied together for the ignore feature, they check a box that says “allow account wide ignore.”

if someone does not want their characters to be linked via account wide ignore, then they just do not check that box.

this way, everyone who wants account wide ignore can have the account wide ignore and everyone who does not want account wide ignore would not be forced to engage with that system.

i think it is very important to ensure that everyone is happy with a solution and this solution makes it so that both sides get what they want:

  1. the supporters of account wide ignore can turn account wide ignore on in the menu - meaning that all of their characters are linked - trust levels, post count, likes, flags, etc.

  2. the people who do not want account wide ignore can choose to not check this box and their characters are not linked together on the forums.

The unfortunate thing of compromising in exactly this way, means that it can be exploited by people who do want to troll on multiple characters. It makes it an honor system where things apply unequally.

well what compromise would you have in mind for those players that do not want to engage with an account wide ignore system?