Can we get account wide ignore?

They think people ignoring them means people will exclude them from the forums.


So it isn’t a giant ostrich egg?

Sad fox noises


Nah, it means pineapple belongs on pizza

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What about peas?

Lol, how absurd given just because say for example 20 people ignore you that doesn’t mean the other thousands and thousands of people magically do as well.


Peas on pizza? :thinking:

Never heard of that one.

I know right. They seem to to act like we’re the only ones on the forums.


Actually no, any therapist worth their salt will tell you that you can only control your own perceptions and actions. And that you cannot control another’s. At the very least, it’s a waste of your time and energy. At worst, it’s manipulative.

People have rationalized incredibly harmful actions with “it’s necessary to take extreme measures”. And you’re now admitting that you deceived others into helping you. People who maybe would have chosen otherwise, if they could have made an informed decision. You feel you have the right to manipulate someone into doing something for you by withholding information from them.

Or what? Or more likely, they don’t “understand”–that is, agree–with you and choose to ostracise you? And you don’t believe they should be allowed to do that either?

People are not your pawns to push around and play with as you please. Until you grasp that, people are always going to be holding you at arm’s length.


Throwing in my support for account wide ignores. When I put someone on ignore, I don’t want 1 character on my account, ignoring 1 character on theirs. I want my account to ignore theirs. I really want to switch to posting on my Hunter, but I have no desire to have to ignore over and over and over again.


Good afternoon. (was busy with morning errands)

Daily support for account wide forum stuff.



You’re a gem, thank you very much for the in-depth guide!

As others said, though, it’s unfortunate that we have to go through this much trouble to ignore people who are oftentimes most necessary to put on ignore. Most forums I’ve used in the past have a fairly easy block button, or otherwise a little ••• symbol with a drop-down list that includes one.

Unfortunate that not only is ignoring users with hidden profiles more difficult than it should be, but due to how the forum currently treats all our characters as separate ‘accounts’, it means you are likely going to have to repeatedly do this for bad actors, and the more unsavory sorts, who specifically take advantage of the forum’s current workings in order to get around blocks like that to harass and troll.

I suppose it serves as a good example of why we require account-wide ignores, at the very least. So, with that said! I will once again voice my desire for better privacy functions for the WoW forums, including but not limited to: account-wide ignore, account-wide likes and flags, account-wide trust level, and perhaps a unified forum handle and/or Battletags! :dracthyr_love_animated:

We’re in line for some storms ourselves today and tomorrow, so I hope everyone else currently in the path will be safe and take care - especially overnight! Make sure you have some means of waking up in case of alerts! :tornado:


Translation : They already knew what kind of person I was so i had to manipulte them to achieve my end goal


Adding a new suggestion:

Trust levels displayed under our character portrait.

  • If you add a progress bar (like a level bar), people won’t bother the mods so much about asking if they are close to level 3 c:
  • Each level could get their own little emoji or symbol to represent that level.
  • Tier three could also get more benefits like setting their own title to appear beside their trust level.

Have a good one, guys c:


It kinda makes me wonder…

Of the people that she pulled aside and said ‘Sorry, I lied to you to get what I needed from you’ how many cut her from their lives forever? I hope for their sakes it was 100%

‘Oh, you felt it was acceptable and appropriate to manipulate and lie to me, and you thought I’d be okay with it? Forgive you, even?’ I’m appalled that people like that actually exist in modern society. They should be ostracized.



Looks at Marketing departments nervously.

How do y’all feel about a once in a life time opportunity to live on your own exclusive island?

Also continued support for forum btags as identifiers, account wide ignores. :+1:


That depends. Does this island come with tacos?


Just a random thought on all of this. On one account you can now have 65 characters. That is how many alts one person, with one paid account can hop between and post with on the forums.

That doesn’t seem like a good idea for a forum to me.

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It’s definitely not, and the blues have said as much in the past. I think they were trying to play into the whole RP business, but that’s not as popular these days plus the character=account system brings with it a lot of problems.

I’m confident they will change this, it’s just about getting the right people in the right place at the right time to get it all changed over.


I don’t mean to be mean or anything here but…this is borderline sociopathy. You are saying lying is fine if you need to do it to get what you want.

Maybe you shouldn’t want that? Maybe you should respect others right to choose honestly what they want and not put your wants above theirs?

There are plenty of situations where being fully honest isn’t the best course of action for yourself…but don’t try to act like it isn’t morale wrong to do it.


Cause they can be used to screen out posters posts with coordinated ignores.

Lots of things “can be” done, Ard. Doesn’t seem to be too many people worried about this but you…I mean you know it’s a ridiculous reach at best. That’s not the win you seem to think it is.