Can we get account wide ignore?

“That would be far better than the community trying to police itself”

In other words, regular people can’t be trusted to decide for themselves who to engage or associate with. Sounds like authoritarianism, no thank you.

Continual support for account-wide ignores, trust levels, etc.


People like Lil think they have an unlimited right to act like they do without consequences and that only their rights matter. But there is an expression that counters that argument .

What is the meaning of your freedom ends where mine begins?

The idea that “my freedom ends where yours begins” is a fundamental principle that lies at the heart of a harmonious and just society. This concept encapsulates the understanding that while individuals have the right to exercise their freedoms, those freedoms must not infringe upon the rights and freedoms of others

Translation : Her or anyone elses right to say what they want or act the fool should not supercede another’s right to ignore them


To answer a question on why I think account wide ignore is community policing itself its coz technically if the things I’ve said haven’t broken the rules/code of conduct, that means if large number of people ignoring when I haven’t done anything universally wrong that’s ostracism,

Morality is relative of course but what I don’t want to see is a community that ostracises each other sticks to their own little cliques which sadly the internet has become all too often,

I want an inclusive society if people are clearly breaking the universal moral rules then in my opinion just report them,

Otherwise there will be a lot more people like me that feel they have to hide and not be upfront to fit in or just survive in the world (of warcraft),

I know when I post the mods know who all my alts are, shouldn’t that fact be enough?

People don’t have to ignore others if others have broken the Code of Conduct. People actually does not even need a reason at all to ignore someone. Ignoring is not policing. Ignoring is exactly what it is, ignoring. I could’ve chosen not to respond here, and just ignored your comment, that itself has nothing to do with policing you, nor anything to do with policing in general.

Ignoring someone has nothing to do with excluding from anything. If I chose to ignore you, it means you’ll be hidden from my viewing. It doesn’t stop you from participating in these topics, it doesn’t stop you from posting on the forums, it doesn’t stop you from interacting with others. All it does is just hides you from my viewing.

Lets just use an example, and lets go with that comment from the one person towards Ardmmcloud, are you saying people have no right to ignore a comment like that, and everyone should see comments like that?

If people are being toxic, as Blizzard says to everyone:

Report, Ignore, And Don’t Engage!

Choosing to ignore or not to ignore has nothing to do with inclusiveness or and ignoring is part of society.

The fact is, when using the forums, the community should know who you and your alts are. Because we’re replying to each other from the “person behind the screen.” When you’re replying to me, you’re not replying to the level 70 Night Elf Warlock. You’re replying to me as a person, the female human sitting behind a desk at her computer replying to you with this very post right now.


What makes you think you got the right to know who I am, if I don’t want people to know who I am that’s my business,

I have learned the hard way in this world when you get too loud that can have bad consequences sometimes it’s best to be forgotten

First of all, we don’t fully know who you are, because the thing nobody here is advocating for is your real life personal information. Secondly, it is kind of easy to know who you are when you’ve shared your life stories here on the forums.

I mean, what makes you think you have the right to hind behind each and every character to pretend like your a different person in the first place?

And I grew up learning that each action I do is my own responsibility and nobody else’s. If you don’t want bad consequences for your own actions, think before you do.


I don’t want to know who you are. I just don’t want anymore “and then…” when it comes to ignoring someone.


I value my privacy online that’s all

Then act like it. Do something, anything, to guard it. Instead, you choose to constantly plaster it all over a public forum.


And ignoring you as a person has nothing to do with invading your privacy!

Let me ask you this Lilithia, you say you value your privacy, but does it give you the right to invade others privacy when you switch and pretend to be a different person to include yourself towards others who chosen to ignore you for any reason they seem fit?


Why should people be forced to interact with you if they don’t want to?


For better or worse to survive in this world the only thing you have to control are peoples perceptions of you,

Sometimes its necessary to take extreme measures, I can tell you right now a lot of people from my past wouldn’t have helped me if I had been honest upfront,

I always tell the truth eventually though to someone…privately of course. They will either understand why I had to be more subtle…

Sometimes you have to tell people as little as possible and walk on eggshells


Judith Martin (aka Miss Manners) herself has said that etiquette–which sometimes includes ostracism–steps in where the law can’t (and shouldnt’). “It’s not illegal/against the rules” is not an acceptable reason to disrespect another’s boundaries.


Well i don’t like ostracism so going to avoid it

I can’t control on what others think of me. Think I could’ve controlled the attacks from people towards me when I made a very spiteful comment back in 2019?

And everyone here on the forums will say this post of mine was spiteful. I mean, I could go ahead and recreate Saralocks on Thrall to delete it, but I left it alone as a reminder. I am responsible for my own behaviour, if I do something stupid, I will recieve backlash for it. The same thing here will apply to everyone, including to you.

And before you ask, switching alts from Saralocks to Ayukama has nothing to do with privacy, or fresh starts.


Isn’t that from it just randomly switching on you for w/e reason?


No, because Saralocks is now Ayukama. It is basically the same character, but different server with a different name.


exactly, very well-said. but the thing here is that this already exists on the forum with the current ignore feature - you don’t need an enhanced ignore feature in order to do this.

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Exactly. I’m responsible for my own behavior, I’m not gonna shy away from it.

goes back to the shadows

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What is that?

Can I eat it? It sounds like ostrich.