Can we get account wide ignore?

Blacklisting posters isn’t exactly a good thing, plus the ignores could cause Blizz data to be disrupted.

You imagining all these wild things is actually what’s not a good thing, imo, nor is you obviously grasping at literally anything just so you can say “nuh uhh”.


You can’t accurately predict what someone would or could do with something like account wide blocks.

I’m sorry…coordinated ignores? Like a bunch of people getting together and deciding they want to ignore you? How would that hurt you?

Seems to me if a group doesn’t want to talk to you they have that right.

Maybe I don’t understand what you mean here. Please explain.


Neither can you, so quit grasping at straws just so you can dissent? I mean honestly.

Although to be fair, accurate predictions are far more likely given the data that can easily be collected from other forums that operate similarly. So your point is a bit moot.


Well the ignore could be based on someone not having something like AoTC.

Or not completing a certain raid, dungeon or whatever.

Which creates more division between different types of players.

There is no question that division exists between players, account wide ignores would further cement that division.

It doesn’t matter what someone chooses to ignore someone else over though. You don’t get to have an opinion on what others ignore people for.


Also, Vrak did say we was heard loud and clear.

Sorry but people won’t use it for its intended purpose.

Sorry but you have no way of knowing that :man_shrugging:t2: furthermore the intended purpose of an ignore is to ignore someone. If said person is ignored, regardless of the reason, then that is the intended purpose.

And I think it’s cute you said that like you’re the final word on it or something.


So with account wide people could ignore you easier for more reasons, and thus…might come up with crazy elitist things and apply them…easier? Key on easier because they could do this anyway. Although I have never heard or seen it happen.

Or, without it people could more easily get around an ignore to harass or skew conversations by jumping between 65 different characters without extra cost. Something that right now actually happens.

Hmm ok, yeah I’ll stick with account wide ignore being a good thing for the community then. It’s all a net thing, no choice is perfect or done in a bubble. Less people will interact if you give them this, but the only people who would feel a difference are those who are ignored and change characters to continue a conversation. That’s it. Nobody else would notice or be effected.

That sounds like a good net gain to me. Stop people abusing it, do almost nothing to everyone else.


Then they’ll just abuse the new system.

Or ignore it entirely.

The group who are against account wide ignores have this strange conspiracy theory that we have a discord and twitter dedicated to harassing and ignoring them which… how can you harass and ignore someone??

Not a shred of proof has been shown to prove this hate campaign actually exists. They’re just mad that the majority of people don’t agree with them, so they’re grasping at straws to make their argument seem valid.


Yup, it’s a sekrit illuminati cabal… They meet in a basement of a Pizza Parlor.

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Had to redo this. The people abusing the system are abusing the fact that there is no account wide ignore. How would those people abuse the new system?

Also, how would that abuse cause any harm to anyone but themselves? I mean if I cut out everyone who isn’t…on my server, or in my guild or a top tier pvper…how would that hurt anyone at all but myself?

It makes no sense.


Coordinated ignores?

I just ignore someone that’s clearly an annoyance or hateful towards others.

Ain’t nobody got time for that.


It could arguably create a more tense environment where tribalism is far more common.

As well adversely affect what data Blizz collects monitoring this site, as perceptions are skewed on way or another base off of different groups beliefs for Retail going forward.

Ard, how many times we have to say this?

People have the right to ignore for any reason or no reason at all, its not your place nor the mod’s place either to police ignores.


Nothing wrong with pointing out a potentially huge flaw with the proposed system.

As I’d doubt anyone here could accurately foresee this feature working as they intended.

For often Blizzard rarely follows suggestions made to the letter or recommendation these days.

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For real, I have said it so many times that someone can literally ignore you just because they wanna ignore you and that’s totally okay because it’s a personal choice.

Also for real, anyone that discriminates, hates, etc. on anyone else is an auto ignore for me.