Can we get account wide ignore?

Evening support for:
:dracthyr_heart: Account-wide ignore
:dracthyr_love_animated: Account-wide likes and flags
:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: Account-wide trust levels and post count
:dracthyr_comfy_sip: Unified forum handle and/or Battletags

Given it came up in the anonymous-posting topic, I do feel obligated to do a larger write-up of my personal experiences with negativity and toxic behavior on a prior forum, and why I am in support of more safety features for the forums as a result of that horrific time period of stalking. I do not currently have time today, unfortunately - wife and I are going to be heading out to eat here quite soon, we decided on a hibachi restaurant tonight! - but I will soon.

It won’t really matter to any one person here, really - but I feel giving personal examples of why things like Battletags or a unified forum account would help cut down on past-experienced behaviors, would at the very least provide some perspective!

For now, time to use up my daily allotment of likes.


Account wide ignore please!
Also everyone please stay safe, we’ve got rotations and tornado watches and warnings here. :tornado: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:


We have a type of hunstman here but nothing life threatening, but man a cane spider will scare the pants off ya…that and centipedes. We definitely make up for it with having no snakes though:)

Wife and I had a lovely evening at the hibachi restaurant, but I really hope everyone in the line of today’s storms is staying safe, and that the majority of it has passed over. :confounded: :dracthyr_heart:

I believe our neck of the woods will be seeing some storms in a day or two, as well… which neither of us are looking forward to. I have particularly bad storm anxiety, so I’m trying to mentally prepare myself for a sleepless night. :sweat_smile:

For now, having had a little peek in at the other thread… I once again beg for better privacy functions for this forum - account-wide ignore being the prevalent want, if nothing else!

Also! Could someone please kindly remind me how to add someone with a hidden profile to ignore? Please and thank you!


i feel as though account wide ignores wouldn’t make the forum experience any different.

so it would largely be the same experience as you have now.

I feel account wide ignore would greatly improve my forum experience.


Here in Sydney, we have the Sydney Funnel Webs, and apparently, according to Google, is the most venomous spider in the world.

Stay safe Starla.

Ofcourse you wouldn’t find it different when you’re the one bypassing everyone’s ignores.


That’s what they are called, I couldn’t remember what my friend had called them just remembered when he showed me one and it had really big fangs and was shiny black like it was glossed, lol.


I had to Google it actually as I also forgot the name. Though I haven’t seen one yet, I’d probably scream if I ever saw one.


The ESRB/PEGI rating only applies to game-generated content, not player-generated content such as chat and names. That’s governed by the EULA.

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Ooo really? That makes sense, I didn’t think about that.

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As far as public chat v. private chat, more leeway is given to guild chat as it’s something of a voluntary private setting. If the language bothers you, you are free to find something more suited to you. You can’t really seek out a more suitable General Chat.

I just think cyber-bullying is a much larger societal issue that a corporation can solve alone,

There needs to be broader action across the Five Eyes country, I’m not too sure if on the EU wow forum they are asking for the same feature though my understanding is that the European Union regulations are actually a lot more strict than in the rest of the western world,

It’s really more up to governments to step in more I think.

That would be far better than the community trying to police itself, that’s just my opinion though.

Daily support for account wide stuff

(and to get rid of the Unread/X new posts notification since I can’t see people I have on ignore in this thread)


1: Click on your icon at top of page
2: On the right side double click on the icon below the heart
3: When page changes click on Preferences
4: Find Users then click
5: Scroll down until you see list then click on add
6: Insert name (if multiple versions show up select the icon that matches ) then select a time period.

Note: If name has a weird symbol then highlight with mouse to copy name then paste when you get to step 5


Really should be much easier than this


yeah like a big red easy ignore button on the bottom right between the chain and flag icons


I have no interest in policing anyone. I just want to ignore posters for myself. That includes all of their alts.


This should be a sticky somewhere, the fact that the interface isn’t intuitive enough for people to know how to go through those steps that you have to look up a guide on how to do it really says something when they make it harder to ignore the people who are more likely to be the ones you would want to ignore.

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Ok, so what does that have to do with this thread?

Ok, so what does the EU regulations have to with ignores or this topic?

Ok, so how is wanting to ignore someone “policing”?