Can we get account wide ignore?

I don’t have any issue with my BattleTag at all. Like, I don’t mind if the BattleTag code gets hidden or not, but I don’t really care, because I know there is nothing anyone else can do with my BattleTag.


yeah. Like cockroaches, they scatter when the light is turned on.


Ugh, I hate cockroaches. I currently at the moment have them pretty bad within my home, and all due to the rain, since they’re looking for somewhere warm and dry.


I know, I live in Texas, that are part of life here. I bug bomb every three months and have traps out. So far I have seen maybe one or two. A quick stomp and they are gone. They ones I have and issue with are the Large Texas Tree Roach, those guys FLY…

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I rarely had to bomb my home, but ever since the flood events started taking place 2 years ago here in NSW, they’ve been moving into my home, and at first, would just use insect spray to spray them, but now it is at the point too where I am having to bomb my place every 3 months as well.

That’s kinda where I sit, but I also look at it from a different approach at the same time. Whatever ends up making the game more approachable is preferable. so if that means less profanity overall then so be it.

Profanity tends to distract me more if it’s deliberately hostile but I get it. Rules are rules

I mean, the reason why I look at it differently is because the language here has a whole completely different meaning here in Australia. While a lot of countries take somethings very inappropriately, here in Australia, it is a whole different ball game. Not that I am all for it mind you, I am against cussing, but I am one person, and there is quite a lot of Australians that do play the game, probably more than I realize that also browse the forums too.


It’s rated T, right? Are there no cussing in T games? :thinking: I feel like I’ve seen some before but I honestly can’t remember.

Well yeah, but it’s not like it’s being aimed at you. People constantly talk about dirty stuff in chat, about politics, religion and they complain about their RL problems. I don’t like hearing about it, but no one is forcing me to listen.

If people are saying things I don’t like, I walk away, mute the chat, or ignore them. I’m not going to sit and tell them what they can or can’t discuss just because I personally have a problem with it.

That’s my problem, not theirs. If I don’t like something, it’s on me to remove myself.

Also it baffles me that it’s okay for your friends to cuss but not random strangers?? People put way too much weight on cuss words.

Unless someone is using them against you or trying to insult you, they are harmless words used to better express one self. There have actually been multiple studies and articles done that show swearing actually helps people and has positive benefits to people’s lives.

It certainly helps me feel better. Actually, when I’m forced to be PG and not swear, I have trouble expressing myself properly and I feel like I’m being suppressed. But again, that’s my problem alone.

Like, I get if it’s around kids, sure, you shouldn’t do that. But I’ve been in spaces with only adults and I’ll drop something, say the S word to myself and people will look at me like I just hurt a baby. It’s so dumb.

Like, I believe words hurt, true.

But I also believe that we, as humans, give words weight. The more offended we are, the more power they have over us.

This is completely different if you’re directing it at someone or trying to insult/offend someone. But if you’re just saying it after a mistake or using it casually, why get so offended? I’ll never understand and I don’t think I want to lol

I have bigger problems than getting upset because someone cussed, especially in a video game. Then again, I played a lot of games like GTA 5 growing up sooo :dracthyr_shrug:

Anywho, daily support for all the things. I’m on mobile so I’ll grab my other post later c:

Have a good one, guys.


I don’t want to even fathom how bad Australian roaches are. :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

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my thing is, we’re playing a game about war (dependin on which wow ver u play lol)…the fact that i have to see hanging bodies is much worse than some random person saying “dang” or ‘eff that’ in casual convo esp when some npcs actually say it so it’s silly to report. like i’m not saying to cuss ppl out but i do wish they kept that garrosh/sylvanas dialogue lol. also kids shouldnt be watching this anyway…

idk, it ain’t my game, i dont even talk in game so it’s w/e.

Could be worse. Here in Hawaii we often call them b52s because they are freckin huge, and they fly.
edit: I should have known Oz would have the same level. Looks like you got the same b52s or pretty close.

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In kansas we have more than one type. The largest ones are 3-4 inches long and they do fly. :scream_cat:


We get some really big ones, but aren’t common, then we the tiny ones. But none I’ve ever seen has flown

That’s ok you guys make up for scary stuff with your spiders. yikes


Don’t remind me of the spiders, especially when we have one of the most deadliest here in Sydney and found only here in Sydney…

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Is that those shiny ones that come inside at times, I so hated those when I visited one of my friends there a few years ago.

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Ever seen Starship Troopers :joy:


I have! That is a fantastic movie.

There’s your answer


Oh… oh no… my my my that will not do at all.

Where is my BFB (big freaking boot).