Can we get account wide ignore?

Hey guys, once again, Vongola#1794 has a few thoughts and requests <3

Account wide ignores so we can ignore one time instead of 30.

  • Someone who is ignored should not be able to see our profile.
  • Someone who is ignored should not be able to reply to us.
  • We shouldn’t be notified when someone who is ignored replies to us.

Battle Tags or Usernames so people can’t switch to a different character pretending to be a different person.

  • Let us choose a username or use our BTag to tie all of our characters to our account.
  • Trust level is now account wide but is taken back down to 0 if you get banned.
  • We can still change characters, but our btag/username will show underneath the character.

Forum themes so we can customize our viewing experience.

  • A simple little drop down at the bottom of the page to let us change the color or choose a theme from various expansions.

A friend’s list so we can easily connect with people.

  • Adding DMs lets us make friends without having to add them in game or on discord.
  • Privacy settings lets us choose to block all requests/messages or let anyone send us a request/message.

A taco tuesday thread that opens up on tuesday.

  • People are free to discuss tacos, share recipes and post pictures of tacos but only on tuesday.
  • Every other day, the thread is locked.

Dislikes so people can show they don’t support a post without flagging it.

  • In my experience, some people use the flagging system as a dislike system. Adding dislikes can help solve this.

Unlimited likes to help spread positivity and encouragement!

  • The fact that we run out of likes is a problem because people end up spamming just to say they agree because they can’t like.
  • There’s no downside, in my opinion, for unlimited likes.

Allow cussing because we are all adults and this game isn’t for kids.

  • I personally see nothing wrong with cussing so long as it’s not aimed at another person.
  • I’ve seen posts with important messages be removed just because of ONE cussword.
  • 99% of this community are adults and this game is rated T for Teen. Teens tend to cuss more than adults do.
  • Let the sailors be free.

Thanks for reading, hope everyone has a great day, even if you disagree with my thoughts c:


Yes please

Also yes please

This could be fun

Could use the existing B-tags for that


Not entirely against this.

I’ve never run out so, meh?

Bliz will never allow this because of the games rating.


I mean…maybe not this one.

Swearing among friends, in guilds, in private chat channels, on Discord, all of that is fine currently. It’s not so much a “WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN” pearl clutch as it is like…I’m fine with my friends using f-bombs every other word, but I’m not chill with seeing it in Trade chat, or someone yelling it in a random BG.

Adults understand that there’s a time and place for every kind of behavior, and just because it’s an online game doesn’t mean that it’s not also a public space with mixed company, not unlike going to the grocery store or hanging out at the mall where everyone’s personal lines, thresholds and tolerances are going to be different.

Personally, I’m a little tired of everyone treating every online space like it’s their personal living room and everyone else in it doesn’t get to have a say in the kind of environment that they want to be in or behave with any kind of sense of consideration for each other.


While we’re on the account wide topic of this:

I would like to add account wide user thread mutes so I don’t have to enter their causing trouble threads that certain posters enjoy making to create chaos. I had to mute the anon thread 4 times in a row by the same poster who enjoys stirring the pot in the forums.

If mods are going to allow this person to have that thread it’s their responsibility to moderate it, it’s getting annoying to keep muting the same thread multiple times.


:dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :revolving_hearts: Morning support for account wide ignores, likes, flags, trust levels, post count, and a unified forum handle! :revolving_hearts: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart:


My honest belief is that the problem here (and elsewhere on the internet) is that governments are increasingly making calls to demand online platforms do more to crack down on cyber-bullying, which when you hear stories of someone being radicalized on social media to commit a crime might seem fair enough,

But I do think the advantage of anonymity online outweighs the negatives, I think online bullying, ostracism and segregation (especially for people with disability) is a huge problem in society, I believe it’s all too easy to just block/ignore people and try and make them someone else’s problem,

Obviously I am not saying there aren’t times when ignoring some people isn’t necessary, but I personally only put people on ignore as an absolute last resort,

Also I think the nature of the internet itself is complicated, it’s a global thing, honestly until Five Eyes countries or whatever really come together and make some tough decisions, and make some multinational rules on acceptable internet use, what’s considered bullying in one state or country is perfectly acceptable in another,

Doxxing for example is not illegal in all US states in fact as far as USA is concerned 41% of internet users have experienced doxxing in some fashion, if I felt that people would account wide ignore me and just move on with their life that would be fine, but anyone that thinks that human nature isn’t cruel and vindictive in the online world is in my opinion a little naive,

You think that it wouldn’t take a doxxer long to account wide ignore someone, figure out who their main alt is and then start harassing them in their main guild that they may be playing with their real life friends,

I am not interested in there being ‘less work for mods’, the extra work is worth it as any suggestion that the community should just police itself I’m not a fan of that, I was once falsely accused of doing something inappropriate on one server, and it wasn’t true at all, but then this person says to me ‘oh it must be true because everyone is saying it about you’ that’s just how toxic human behavior can be, people will look for a scapegoat, people are going to bully others unfortunately,

So for better or worse we will always need moderators and so on online to protect users from the worst side of human nature as some people believe the rules don’t apply to them

I think anyone who is on our own personal ignore list should not have their threads appear on the threads list page on our own personal computers.

I don’t care if they show up for people that don’t have them ignored .


Good morning.

Daily support for account wide forum stuff.



i dont mind this because if someones say the f word like if they made a mistake and said it to no one or like casual convo or w/e thats fine, as long as u arent saying it to a jerk to ppl im fine w/ it.
just bc someone said some cuss words shouldnt put ppls account in jeopardy. its context.
at this point, there’s people who are a little too sensitive about things and its getting annoying
im not gonna report someone for every little single they do esp if its minor.

1 Like

I guess I missed the note in the EULA that says profanity is acceptable, as long as it isn’t directed at someone. Maybe you could point it out to me? I was pretty sure it just said profanity is unacceptable, period.


i’m just discussing my opinion on what jae had posted. please dont start jumping on me, please.

I think you meant to post this in a different thread?

i’m replying to jae and jal unless they somehow posted that not here?

I sort of agree, but also disagree. It isn’t so much of the wording, but how it is used imho. But yeah, shouldn’t really put the account in jeopardy, unless it is something really extreme.


Okay, I scrolled back. I thought it was from the cursing thread. My apologies.


Its hard to have a genuine discussion if the anon posting side is saying bunch of “Nuh uhs” to any argument against anon posting and ask for proof only for that said proof to be shut down by “its a made up story”. Its why I will have these muted because its just spam and those threads just devolve into circular arguments that isn’t worth my time and energy to keep going and can’t seem to have a genuine discussion.


The only reason why they was anonymous posting is so they can be toxic and make more real-life threats, as well as racist and hate speech post, and get away with it.


It’s quite shocking but at the same time, that doesn’t surprise this old wolf.


And the fact that they’re ignoring stuff that has happened to other people too through sites that have anonymity, it really does show the real side of people who want it.


It is to my belief that they are upset that one of their posts was used as an example of why such things are not needed and, in fact, can have negative connotations.

My intention was to provide an example of such behavior not so much as to “attack” them so to speak. Real examples and methods within the forum software are necessary. I’m sure more exist that are just not uncovered via them or otherwise.

But regardless, I support the factor of account wide ignore. Maybe not so much battle tags (at least not the full tag), but I do support account wide ignore.

I personally don’t mind having my battle tag out there, but others may have some issues. That’s a different topic itself however. :slight_smile: