Can we get account wide ignore?

To be fair, I put forth the genuine effort to stick to only the discussion, but we all see what that amounted to. A whole lot of wasted time and effort.

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ik this is offtopic but that is beautiful butterfly. i love butterflies soo much
i wish i could find a place that has a lil garden of them its fun having them come to u


They are super pretty and I love them too.

Sometimes the local parks will have flower areas for people to go to. They do give a pretty hefty fine though for picking the flowers. Least around here anyway.


How is this thread still going? :heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart:

I’d love to be able to remove certain people from my view and not just their characters

Edit: Oh the little vulpera warrior is still here. I see. The warrior is one i’d love to just remove them and all their characters.


It’s this type of response, or lack of the ability to come up with a legit response, that helps prove my point that people on the forum should not have account wide ignore.

I did take the time to explain exactly what I meant in another post for those that of course take it out of context or just lack the understanding skills.

I also find it interesting while some accuse me of being the troll here by not falling in line and agreeing with this thread, I have been the one that has been insulted and trolled by many in this thread.

I could of course report and ignore and create my personal little private safe space in a public place. But it’s far more effective to just carry on, move to another discussion, or take a break from the forum when I have had enough.

I can already block you if I want. What’s the difference between me blocking all your characters?

Oh never mind, I looked at your post lol. You just want to force people to have to see you and your posts regardless of how annoying/dumb they are.


Hm. I guess you’re just picking at the low-hanging fruit then? Oh. Right. It’s a trademark to disregard valid points to chase fights while also insulting other participants.

I find it interesting that you are ignoring me after having given you the time of day to present a response that was neither insulting you or taking your words out of context after you went through so much complaining about people ignoring people they didn’t want to interact with online.


Honestly I don’t know. So far there’s not been one single coherent reason why our bnets are not able to be displayed and thus facilitate account wide ignore. Not one.


I can help if you’d like.

Having to leave every discussion or area because someone is harassing you is non-functioning in real life.

Their’s avenues for dealing with that in real life, just like there’s avenues and tools on forums and in-game.


Evening support for:

:taco: account wide ignores
:pizza: account wide likes
:banana: account wide flags
:cucumber: account wide trust levels
:pie: account wide total post count


He has been explained to repeadedly what account wide ignores are as have you.

You don’t have to agree but you don’t get to make false statements of what it is and not get called out for it.

1: Account wide ignores does not endanger your private little safe space because it does not reveal anything about you . If you are ignored that way no one sees your characters .
Meaning those that have you ignored don’t give a rotund rodents rectum about your existence.

2: You do not have a right to heard or read by those that do not want to interact with you . No that is not censorship . Censorship would be Blizzard perma banning you from the forums and you would have to seriously have to F around and find out for that to happen .

3: As for trolling what do you consider trolling ? Is it something like me saying you remind me of another poster , if so I have said I could neither prove or deny .

THat’s not trolling that is just an opinion .


Speaking of taco’s
The Choco Taco Is Coming Back For A Limited Time (

Daily support for account wide ignores. Personally I don’t need Btags, I just want to ignore the person that is alt hopping to get around ignores. This is frequently used to harass other posters.


You came into the thread talking about how ignoring people is controlling them, and now you’re upset that people aren’t taking you seriously. Hmm, I wonder why that could possibly be.


Good morning!

Daily support for account wide forum stuff.



This thread is epic. It just wont die.

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Hey whatever doesn’t kill the support for account wide ignores only makes it stronger


I know of one person here that does this.


Main a Blood DK, can confirm

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(Edit: Old gods the longer I watch this the creepier it is…))