Can we get account wide ignore?

That was back in September. I just remember that it was a fustercluck, and some of the posters who kept (keep) posting falsehoods and outright lies were getting shot down left and right.


Fixed that for you.


you should create another thread and we can discuss your suggestion there, let these people talk about their suggestions here

the paradox is that, just like now, we have no way of knowing who has us on ignore - short of them telling us and us subsequently believing it. Thus, the royal you would never know if account wide ignore was implemented because you’d never know who has you on mechanical ignore - built in to the forums - or on ‘psychological’ ignore, the latter you propose yourself:


Wow how do I not have this version of you blocked, will do that now. Also stop talking to yourself. We can tell.


For once, I agree with them. Good thing Blizzard also agrees that anonymous posting would never be implemented to the WoW Forums.


Nice photos !



Will see this behavior flare when we have Delves come next expansion.

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I hope you stretched before you jumped to that conclusion.

BattleTags would be just fine. Account-wide ignore would be just fine. We’ve had account-wide ignore before and the forums didn’t collapse.


He’s always warmed up and ready to go, didn’t you know?

Is that animal farm?

Times change.

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Warband-ignore. That’s what we should call it now.

Wishful thinking.

If the devs had a good look in here they’d know any changes would be pointless, since users want to fight rather than actually ignore problematic posters.

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I like the sound of that one.

A thread about how people want account-wide ignore actually proves that people don’t want account-wide ignore. Someone needs their V8.


When the focus becomes less about pushing for any change and more pushing for only a very specific one, then the goal of actually making the forum a better place becomes blurred.

Since only one group holds the “key” for forum change so to speak.

Which is why there’s so much push back against account wide whatever.

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So, shall we switch it around from account wide ignore to warband ignore? I like the sound of a Warband ignore better than an account wide ignore.

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Every other forum has account wide ignore baseline, including the WoW forums years prior. Every other forum on the internet that uses it is still being used by many people to this day.

Account wide ignore isn’t going to kill the wow forums man.


There’s like 5 people in this thread against it while most of the people in this thread are for it.