Can we get account wide ignore?

Let it go, Ayu, they’re not worth it *pat pat


Oh, that’s the worst. I almost never order out so when my stores are depleted I am a sad goblin.

Fixed that.


Thats why I have the usual individuals on ignore if they are here for that specific reason, I would do the same since all they will do is rope you into a circular argument that goes nowhere, its worth to just ignore at this point.


Yeah, I’m not going to bother. After that comment, they just proven there true intentions, and I don’t want to get Malgarok’s thread locked.

Anyways, daily support for Account wide ignores.

Problem is, I was involved in a car accident a while ago where the other driver totaled my car, and fled the scene, and I am left standed with either 2 legs or public transport. There is a supermarket a couple of blocks away, but I have no way of carrying so much shopping home.


I honestly don’t even have many different individuals on ignore, T/Beak basically the main fillers on the list with their many many alts

Others I’ll just gladly scroll on past in here, but have no major problems interacting with them elsewhere



you can always try to get it delivered.

humanbeak probably

Count your blessings if you never had to deal with that… creature

Yeah, I don’t know if you have like publix or walmart but they usually deliver. And uber I think delivers store stuff, too?

I want too, but they charge like $40 just for delivery :frowning:

Nothing is cheap.

Oh them. Why did I completely forgot about them.

Ah damn, big oof. Glad you weren’t hurt (I hope?) but yeah grocery shopping without transportation is rough.

Another support post for:

:white_check_mark: Account wide ignores
:white_check_mark: Account wide total post count
:white_check_mark: Account wide flags
:white_check_mark: Account wide likes
:white_check_mark: Account wide trust levels

Been a bit since I replied here with everything going on.


Oh no, I hope you’re at least okay!


not as a big pita as t was. t-squad was just something else.
hell i even admit of going into threads and saying “block/report/mute and move on”
or try to help derail it. dude just keeps trying to breed hate. crazy it went on so long.


T was easily in the top 3 worst things to ever happen on the forums in my concerningly many years of using this thing


Both of them are just as bad as each other. I usually put the threats on mute too.

Any examples? I’m not reading this whole unnecessary pile of mess since we should already have account wide real ignore in forums and in game. But it would be nice to see what some smooth brains have for an argument against it.

Yeah, I was alright. No injuries.


they keep ignoring questions that have valid argument against to push their agenda. You wont get answers, it is coordinated group from discord/twitter that are trolling our forums. Mass flagging posts , trying to 404 topics they do not like etc.

Easy solution, do not engage or skip player opinion, but no they trying to make up drama that forums would die if such feature wont be implemented.

that’s exactly what is happening.

you are not forced to respond. Ignoring someone because of an opinion which is different from yours? ?

True, and such thing should never be implemented. You make always valid and thoughtful posts. Thank you.

100%, battle tags are worst idea ever. Nobody ever wanted them. We need more privacy in forums.

You can see fake and mass flagging happening 24/7, imagine if wide ignore would be a thing, we would end up 10 people talking to each other ( they are doing that now anyway) but still must interact with other in MMORPG forums.


Can’t wait for the day when account wide ignores come to the forums.

Then we can fully ignore the person, and not just one character of the person.