Can we get account wide ignore?

So if you’re in a bar and the people next to you are annoying you, and your request that they tone it down fell on deaf ears, you feel you should be able to magically swipe left and remove them?


I take it you didn’t get my amusing use of “swipe left” both in the REAL and online.

Your option is to leave or move elsewhere, or talk to a manager/authority. Why should online be all that different?

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Mornin’ everyone :sleeping:

Vongola#1794 is requesting:

Account wide ignores so we can ignore one time instead of 30.

  • Someone who is ignored should not be able to see our profile.
  • Someone who is ignored should not be able to reply to us.
  • We shouldn’t be notified when someone who is ignored replies to us.

Battle Tags or Usernames so people can’t switch to a different character pretending to be a different person.

  • Let us choose a username or use our BTag to tie all of our characters to our account.
  • Trust level is now account wide but is taken back down to 0 if you get banned.
  • We can still change characters, but our btag/username will show underneath the character.

Forum themes so we can customize our viewing experience.

  • A simple little drop down at the bottom of the page to let us change the color or choose a theme from various expansions.

A friend’s list so we can easily connect with people.

  • Adding DMs lets us make friends without having to add them in game or on discord.
  • Privacy settings lets us choose to block all requests/messages or let anyone send us a request/message.

A taco tuesday thread that opens up on tuesday.

  • People are free to discuss tacos, share recipes and post pictures of tacos but only on tuesday.
  • Every other day, the thread is locked.

Dislikes so people can show they don’t support a post without flagging it.

  • In my experience, some people use the flagging system as a dislike system. Adding dislikes can help solve this.

Unlimited likes to help spread positivity and encouragement!

  • The fact that we run out of likes is a problem because people end up spamming just to say they agree because they can’t like.
  • There’s no downside, in my opinion, for unlimited likes.

Allow cussing because we are all adults and this game isn’t for kids.

  • I personally see nothing wrong with cussing so long as it’s not aimed at another person.
  • I’ve seen posts with important messages be removed just because of ONE cussword.
  • 99% of this community are adults and this game is rated T for Teen. Teens tend to cuss more than adults do.
  • Let the sailors be free.

Thanks for coming to my taco talk :blush: I hope you guys have a great day~


Here’s an idea. Stop shifting the blame. The people being antagonistic should be the ones to leave.

If someone ends up being ignored by everyone else, that should be their sign that they’re not wanted and they can be the ones to head to the door.


Ya add salt to them after ordering!

They are extremely hot and crispy and not soggy at all.

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I mean I could but I don’t want in any legal trouble and I don’t want to hurt someone. Not a big fan of bar fights.

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Everyone has a right to ignore whatever they deem fit and choose on who to not communicate to, I dont have a problem with this.

I rarely ignore people but if I do have to ignore, it means that those people were douchebags, toxic or just trolling, if that is the problem to you then you should consider the ladder.

See above.

If someone is coming to me with hostality or trolling then I should use my right to ignore (and aswell report) those people because they are not going to provide any meaningful discussion if all their going to do is be a douchebag and or troll if I encounter them again in future threads.

If you want to not be ignored then dont be a douchebag, thats simple.

I can be a pretty forgiven person sometimes but that comes with a cap of how many times you went through this.

No one here asking for Account wide ignore or btags just to be the batman of the forums my dude.

I just want the forum ignore to have a better functionality because as it stands, you can only ignore the character that you and I post on, if someone ignores me because I was a douchebag, I can jump on another character to continue to be a douchebag.


Nah, my option is, welcome to the ignore list.


See the funny part is when we report a post that’s the equivalent of talking to the manager/authority.

We are literally sending them a flag of “hey look at this”


I mean, I don’t get this whole, “false flagging” thingy from them anyways. Like, how are any of us using alts to flag down the same post over and over.

Then to accuse everyone of using Twitter and Discord too, like, where is the evidence? I’ve deactivated my twitter account a long time ago now, and I haven’t even asked anyone to report anyone once anywhere.

And it is funny when people start snapping when someone links a part of the Forum Code of Conduct, then wishing for people who flag to be pernamently banned… Shows the true colours of the person to be honest.

I mean, when I report someone, I report it because I assume that it is in violation of the Code of Conduct. Not all the time, I am right, doesn’t mean I should be punished for not being right about the post.


A person leaving or moving elsewhere is their swiping left


And the extra work for the workers Fuzz, the fast food workers!

Also what about the different batches of fries, do they throw them out or just combine them?

THey have to be thrown out after a certain amount of time (Quality Control ).

My job where I work when I do night shift I do friers (not fast food ) so most things are cook to order but I do keep certain items up because they sell fast like a few orders of Parm chickens for pasta and sandwiches and usually a couple orders of wings pre cooked half way ( already pre cooked but frozen ) to get them out faster . Also some time ppre cook boneless wings half way if with meal so they are ready to go when say Pizza, Pasta or Sandwich call the order number for them .

“Magically” meaning talk to the employees, if they deem them as disturbing others they’ll tell them to tone it down or leave.

If they think youre full of it theyll tell you to can it.


Fuzz… the second most evil fox in this thread :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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What they do is when when they come out the fryer they have the scooper on the fry packaging dump the unsalted fries in there right out of the fryer shaker.

Then the rest go into a clean holding area and are salted and used for salted batches.

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Nah, Fuzz can’t be evil. He isn’t even a Paladin casting “Turn Evil” on everyone.


They do but generally with an unsalted batch they don’t use a full bag and if they do it’s generally during lunch time.

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Oh okay that’s not so bad then, evilness lifted.

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I’ve noticed the anti’s love to use irl anagoies. Those are what i like to call false equivalency.

Well i say anti’s, but realisticly, it was only Lilth who does this. So already that’s sus.


I know that have done plenty of fast food in my past but after a certain amount of time items in the fry bin do get discarded and put into a bin for counting waste.

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