Can we get account wide ignore?

I am sorry, excuse me, what??? How???

Dog whistle go brr brr

The subject is account wide ignores, i told you who i put on ignore.


I’m a bouncer at my job, guess what i LITERALLY do some nights :3


It’s a culture shock to this person that people talk about others behind their backs. I’m sure there are people who talk behind my back in discord or other platforms.

How much do I care 0, it’s human nature to gossip about such things outside of a platform that prohibits it.


:thinking: :people_hugging: :blue_heart:


What took you so long?

You disparagingly referred to defending the existence of Black and Queer characters as a DEI emergency. The mods need sensitivity training or something. People with these takes are all over and roaming free.

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No that is exactly how life works.

No one is obligated to deal with anyone they feel is toxic towards them or are they under any legal obligation to listen to what another person has to say or respect their right to free speech .

That’s what account wide ignores are . Us as individuals no longer listening

So you are countering you previous argument about either stop listening or leaving ?
Are you now saying people must be forced to listen to those they choose not to listen to?

No people want a system that allows them as individuals to no longer deal with those they no longer want to deal with . No one is asking for anyone to be silenced. Preventing poeple from posting in here is only something Blizz can do and as long as the Forum CoCs are followed people are good to go . The one thing none of us should expect or being entitled to is being heard by every single person . The only people we all are entitled to be heard by are those people that choose to listen to us.

Not everything requires a ban some times it’s just better to not have to deal with a person on a personal level and just remove them from ones view

Account wide ignores do not deni access . It’s not sa system where people vote and the ignored person is denied access to the forums . Account wide ignores is about individual that don’t want to deal with certain individuals being able to ignore without the person being able to switch toons to bypas ignores like the current system allows .

Once again the only thing that can prevent one from posting is violating Blizz CoCs

Sorry this is long but one final thought .
Account wide ignores is not a form of censorship because it is not a full on being silenced and the fact that there is no violation of ones free speech rights because that protection only applies being silenced by ones government . No company or individual person actually has to legally recognize that right


I always imagine someone who talks about me somewhere where I can’t see secretly loves me to continue talking about me where I can’t see.


Good morning.

Daily support for account wide forum stuff.



Everyone has the right to ban another from their own personal space . I guarantee that there are people you know that you choose to no longer deal with . You need to stop doing that and make them a part of your life and deal with them because no longer letting them be a part of your world is banning them and by continuing to do so after what you have said makes you HYPOCRITE

Have you ever heard the term "Going no contact ?

That is pretty much what account wide ignores are .

Would you deni a person the ability in real life to go no contact with some one that is toxic with them ?

If you would then I now understand your thinking

If you wouldn’t then my questioon is why would you not want people to have that same ability here?


Ok not saying it is or it isn’t because I have no evidence but why does the dwarf remind me so much of the undead mage most people have ignored and said recently they were leaving this thread.


Just when I thought you had already posted the most ironically ridiculous thing you’d ever say, you start off with this. LOL.

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And? They use BattleTags just fine. All you’re doing is saying some vague “bad things” will happen if they get implemented here.


Man I just want account wide ignores

Me no care about btags


I’d be happy with account-wide ignore, but I’d prefer BattleTags just to kill off sock puppets as well.


They should make TL3 the default, with every account action knocking you down a level. Then earning it back takes 6 months of following the rules.

That used to be a thing

This one guy would just post a bunch of Naruto “adult material” basically everytime his account was unbanned

They had a bug where a bunch of people had it by default, and it wouldn’t go down even after being suspended like it’s supposed to. Then they fixed it and a whole lot of people lost their TL3 and had to start earning it again.

I never suggested any sort of behavior. You’re trying to vilify my words because you lack a reasonable argument.

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