Can we get account wide ignore?

I have discussions and arguments with people on the story, mechanics, and mogs all the time on here. I don’t put them on ignore for disagreeing with me. I put someone on ignore for being a horrible person, irrespective of their stance or arguments regarding the game. You agree with me but you act horrible? You’re going on ignore.

There’s no quality to a “debate” of people complaining black and queer characters existing in game and needing to be removed. There’s no moral or sanctity of debate for debate sake and should be unrestricted. That’s nonsensical at best and dog whistling at worst.

Dog whistle go brr brr


Siri what is restraining orders?

Siri what is HR?

Siri what are police?

You have numerous avenues to deal with harassment in real life.

What’s bad about a “no homophobes allowed” sign?

If someone putting you on ignore causes you actual physical or mental pain and keeps you from using the forums that is a YOU problem.


There is no moderation powers given to one person who wants to ignore a person at their end of the screen.

You’re not being removed or suspended from the forums from one person. Do you know the difference between a ignore function and moderation functionality?

Are you afraid you won’t be able to bypass an ignore, because you won’t be able to harass a person out of a forum because you dislike or disagree with?


Obviously I’m not suggesting everyone would have the same power to ban, but from an individual perspective it’s the equivalent.

So you’re afraid of being ignored by an individual that does not wish to continue to interact with you for whatever reason?


It has nothing to do with me as an individual. Nor should deleting someone from your presence be up to an individual. That’s why we have authorities both in real life and mods on a forum. For those cases where it does get out of hand and someone breaks the rules/laws.

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They aren’t WoW.

WoW is just a different kettle of fish where players seek to create division from the top down.

Oh please. Nobody should be forced to be in someone else’s presence. That’s ridiculous.

In a recent study, Matt the Radar Technician approved of account wide ignore and b-tags. Be more like Matt.



It would be total chaos.

Just look at how bad things are with the mere suggestion just being made.

So in a public place, in the real or online, you feel you should have the power to just swipe left at will for any reason?

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You’re afraid of being ignored then or unable to harass/push someone out of a discussion. Mods don’t actually look at anything unless it’s flagged.

No one should be forced to interact with an individual they wish not to interact with.

All the other Blizzard forums have account wide ignore functionality but this one and it’s time to add it here.


People can and do “swipe left”, all the time. Including on public dating sites. I guess if you had your way, that wouldn’t be allowed.

Why do you think what you want–access to another person, even for abuse/harassment–is more important than someone else’s right to be left alone? Why do you think you have the right to override another’s lack of consent?


i have a hard time wrapping my head around why no one can at least do the simple suggestion of NOT responding to anyone, period, with our without the ignore button.
just…don’t respond…? no one ever answers this. i dont respond to have of u bc some of u are annoying, but i dont have anyone blocked for it as i still wanna see what they say lol.
if u dont reply to trolls or w/e they wont mess w/ u anymore.

Why is the assumption that every negative interaction is a form of personal abuse or harassment?

It is not always the case or as bad as it is made out to be on these forums.

There’s no good explanation.

Not without it sounding like they want to wrestle control of these forums just to create their own echo chamber, with people who only talk their way or agree with their ideas.

The fact that you think you should be allowed to force your presence on anyone to the point where you believe only people of authority (police etc.) should be in power to remove you is highly disturbing.

In fact, it’s gross.

I 100% I should have the power to walk away and not have you follow me home or to my car or force yourself in my presence. That’s so incredibly creepy. And that is the last reply you’ll get from me.


I guess that’s the end of us being cordial on the forum. I can’t think of anyone else you could be talking about here.

This is a video game forum.

Not your car, home or otherwise.

You have the power to disengage at your fingertips. No one who posts on these forums has the power to reach through your screen to keep you at it for the sole purpose of forcing you into uncomfortable situations.

Moderation does a fine enough job policing these forums and the system in place keeps any real troublemakers off the grid.

thats different. here you can simply not reply to someone. you guys are
and have been making this a huge moutain on a teeny tiny molehill for nearly 2 yrs.

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So we all start over from 0. Easy fix