Can we get account wide ignore?

Dang, this thread is still going?! It’s almost a mega thread at this point. I look forward to the part 2.

total sidebar, but, woah, when did you change from a…mechagnome, right? Cool new look - or am I seriously lagging on your new you?

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With the the services being on sale, I’ve sort of been on a race change kick. So I went from a mechagnome, to a human, and now a void elf. Gotta love that 3-pack for $35


Just to you know go back to it daily support for account wide bans without showing brags and cross over to game and vice versa.

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im so use to you being a mechagnome and now sad lol only a few gnome regs around
ah well elves rule

Well, it’s Blizz’s fault because they made it so mechagnomes couldn’t wear any of the fancy long coats they keep releasing.

I love my mechagnome, but transmog is the real end game.


Who exactly is acting like a creepy stalker?


I wouldn’t cast stones when someone on the pro-side tried taking this battle to Twitter.

Then linking it back here.

They always love to come out swinging and attacking people. Then as soon as people flag there post for the trolling and harassment, they end up deleting their post, then accuse everyone of falsely flagging.


Sounds like an epic win if i can bankrupt the trolls with an ignore feature lol.


For the best really.

Any mention of Btags being used for forum administration purposes just acts as a beacon for toxicity.

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Blizzard can see the btags and it really should stay that way. No one else other than blizzard needs to see them.

Saracalia#1520 supports account wide ignores, flags, likes, trust levels, total post count.

It is time to make things account wide.


Amazing how horrifying BattleTags are, despite being used with no problems on other Blizzard game forums.


It’s almost like 90% of the claimed negatives about battletags are blatant lies.


For one I think people on the internet have gotten to comfortable with being able to just ignore/block and never have to deal with someone again. Not really how life normally works. If the same issue played out in real life you would either have to be confrontational, try not to listen, or leave. I despise the idea that people can just create their little echo chambers online and never have to deal with those that don’t fall in line with their way of thinking. And don’t tell me that’s not what people are trying to do here, that’s exactly what people are trying to do in most cases online.

Two there is already a system in place that blocks accounts. If someone does get way out of hand beyond just being silly or annoying you, if they actually make threats, completely derail a thread, or break the rules in anyway they get reported and banned. Now that may be temporary, but if they don’t stop they get banned again for longer, and so on till the ban is very long or permanent.

Just like in many situation people get some chances to behave before being denied any access. Account wide ignore makes everyone on the forum judge, jury and executioner. Seems messed up to me to give that power to everyone and not just the mods.

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Nah. Account-wide ignore or BattleTags are the way to go.


Okay, now I’M judging you incredibly hard right now.

If only we had account wide ignore… and fries. Im hungry.


Everyone does get their chance to behave, normally if you’re going to put someone on forever ignore it usually means that you personally do not want to see their posts or get notified when they reply because of coming to the conclusion after interacting with them.

It does not step into moderation power because you’re only removing them from your own space not the entire forum. There’s no reason to be mistaken and say that putting someone on ignore is the same as suspending their account.

Also, people are more confrontational and rude online than they are in real life, while confrontational and rude people still exist in the real world, I would have doubts that Forum trolls would be the same type to pick fights with strangers in person. We’re also talking on a forum for a video game online, it isn’t meant to be a replacement on preparing people for the real world.

I am not keen on the idea of echo chambers, I rarely use the ignore function, but when I do it tends to be in the case of someone doing something that is offensive enough to be reported. Because of that, putting them on ignore means I won’t see them, which means there would be no reason to be vindictive and seek that they get punished because they would no longer be my problem.

The main way of telling an echo chamber apart from a discussion where people simply agree is by how they would address their topic along with those who oppose it. You may be bothered by people “going soft” and making use of the ignore feature and using it to plug their ears, likewise I am bothered by the people who weren’t raised right or have something wrong with how they behave that an ignore feature is required at all, we are not talking about eachother with this statement but that is more of an observation of different parts of the same problem.

Since the ignore function isn’t going away and we aren’t changing human society and how the problematic outliers behave online, the entire point of account-wide ignores is to ignore the person rather than the mask they happen to be wearing at the time in those cases where an ignore is required.

People that would insist on making an echo chamber will do so regardless, as an account-wide ignore would technically work for those types (those that ignore the opposition) as well as against them (in the cases of sockpuppeting alt characters to make said echo chamber with themselves).


Actually, it is. People have plenty of ways to exercise their right to associate with who they wish, and avoid those they don’t. And they use them.

And when people put you on ignore, they’re choosing the third option–leaving. You don’t get to insist that they have to keep debating or otherwise engage with you.

You’re conflating two different things. People wanting to not deal with trolls/stalker/bigots, especially those who use sockpuppets to avoid accountability =/= “creating an echo chamber”.

Also–unless someone is a minor and you are their parent–it is not your job to make sure someone is being appropriately open-minded. You may have an opinion on whether they are or aren’t, but it’s not something you can force.

Except people have continually pointed out that this isn’t the case. Vrakthis himself has admitted that Blizzard is aware that the way these forums have been set up has inadvertently led to alt abuse. The T-virus is still around.

Here we go with the old “you have to give them a chance”. A certain undead on here constantly claims they have this right while defending their constant bad treatment of others.

Also, when people want to permanently block someone infamous for sockpuppeting, that person has already had SEVERAL chances, and squandered them on repeated bad behavior.

A ridiculously hyperbolic claim. All other Blizzard forums have account-wide ignore. Many other forums allow you to completely ignore or block someone, to the point of swiftly punishing people who try to get around an ignore or block.

This whole “you HAVE to listen to me and you HAVE to talk to me and pay me attention” schtick is forcibly reminding me of all the creepy older guys who’d follow me around the mall as a teen, insisting that they were entitled to conversation with me and why didn’t I “give them a chance”. :face_vomiting: