Can we get account wide ignore?

Would you take a Nukacola?


I won’t drink it but I’ll take it cause the bottle is cool.


Good thing you’re not Blizzard nor get to decide on this.


Well can’t say I didn’t try

Amount of times this thread and my comments in it have been flagged is also ridiculous, but besides making fun of the “real life threat” reports on the original post, I do not care at all

Easier to just not care, let people flat whatever they want

Yeah, he did say our feedback was heard, quite clearly.

I want moderation to do something to nail their harassment down and get it off this forum. They pull this same crap every couple months in here, FAR worse harassment than that T group they keep railing on about from my experience because T gets shut down entirely while THEY are permitted to keep harassing in here.

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If you didn’t flip your wig all the time, you wouldn’t be flagged. Most of the stuff happening to you is self inflicted.


I know. I’m glad they’re listening to our feedback. I guess I better switch back over to Ayukama, so should I switch over to another alt to… Oh wait, Loilang confirmed they don’t really ignore anyone, since they said they’d ignore me on Ayukama, but still respond somehow in this thread, since can’t see ignored posters in this thread.


But that requires that Lio spec into introspection, and that is something they categorically refused to do.


There is nowhere is the forums CoC about reporting people being reportable

If you genuinely believe people are following you around to just report whatever post you make, which would require them to regularly hop alts as well, your only option would be to make a ticket about it

Making numerous posts about it is legit only wasting your own time, its not worth it

Like for example, whenever one of the other threads about ‘anonymous posting’ or anything else, each time one of them got deleted, the OP in this one would immediately be mass flagged, never bothered commenting or making posts about it til “real life threat” cuz that ones funny

Goes back to the old phrase of, “More you say more you gotta talk about” I suppose.

But anyway. Yes to account wide ignore!

No and then!

Also less confusion


Also, it’s said it takes about 3 - 5 reports to shadow a post. There are more than enough people in this thread alone that would flag, not counting all the lurkers.

I just want account wide forum ignore to work, I don’t care about the particulars, I just want it done.


harassment is bannable. We’ll see over time if moderation connects the dots and figures out their off site flag bombing campaigns.
Easy as watching who keeps flagging and how many posts ARENT violations and who they are targeting, as well as if theyre goofy enough to all rush over here in a short time span and flag too quickly.

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Yeah it is. But in your case, people are flagging you for running your mouth. It just happen that it doesn’t violate the CoC… yet. Now, also you are kinda derailing the thread with this “false flag” nonsense.


You neednt worry yourself about this.
Ive laid it out in these threads so when they are naive enough to flag posts, mods can see what is said and sooner or later they’ll figure out whats going on here.
Every time they flag something that gets restored and then do it again and again, theyre confirming the case against them
Also the ones on twitter railing against this forum and its members confirming the fact that they ARE dragging this forums content off site and behaving badly.

Actually, I spent a long while over on twitter and yeah…its WAY worse than just one poster in here doing it. some of the stuff by people I actually like in here was over the top disgusting. Couldnt believe my eyes reading it.

Theyre doing that and Im supposed to believe that they all grew a conscience and shut that discord down where they were obsessing about what was being posted here and literally talking about what ‘needed’ to be flagged when I was there? lol

No…theyre still doing it and their flag abuse is helping to confirm it.

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THat’s why I have them ignored . They’re different then all the others trying to get this thread shut down

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Alright this will be my last comment on the subject, depending on what your answer is ultimately

Is this a scenario where you want to complain, or do you want a solution?

I know at first glance the question sounds almost demeaning, but it is a real question. Sometimes people just want to complain about something, we’re all humans and sometimes its just nice to vent about stuff via complaints or whatever.

If you want an actual solution, then making a ticket in hopes of getting some assistance that way is really your only option, the numerous mods who will ultimately review whatever flags you receive are never going to get together and see if you’ve been reported a lot by the same people or anything else. They deal with numerous flags everyday and everyone is just a new blip on their radar, they aren’t looking for context, they just want to see if it breaks the CoC quickly.

Commenting more about it or speaking about being flagged as harassment ultimately doesn’t accomplish the “solution” option for your current problem, it falls solely in the “just want to complain” side of things.

So yea, if all you want to do is vent or anything else, then keep going with your current actions. It won’t really change anything going on but if it makes you feel better then that’s all that matters. If you do want the change outcome, then stop commenting on it since it really doesn’t accomplish anything and make the ticket as its the only way you’ll actually get any action towards solving the problem you’re experiencing.


lmao…tell me they dont know they flagged it…it got restored…they flagged it again just to harass in here and troll moderation lol
Mods should pay attention to where the flags are coming from.
if any of the names are the same, there you are…they know it wasnt a violation when it was restored and yet they false flagged it again.

both? lmao.
complaining is how you get the attention to the problem to get the solution lol

tickets dont help with this forum…been there, done that.
Moderation and admins here can deal with the forum. Bliz staff has their own work to do.

Look, you and I seem to get along fine…this isnt about you or our interactions.
I get it, this was your thread, but their ongoing harassing behavior is the issue here.

actually ive seen enough indication that they are actually starting to take notes to some degree.
This group literally busted themselves out to a blue a bit back by admitting they were INTENTIONALLY violating the rules here and derailing someone thread.

They will figure it out sooner or later.
The mods are intelligent enough to read the signs in here even if that group doesnt think they are

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