Can we get account wide ignore?

None of us can do that only Blizz can .

But we should be able to have the tools to block them from our own personal view.


his 3 post alt lmao…
yeah…account wide ignores now please…no btags required


Because currently we can only ignore a persons toons individualy .

It is not the toon or toons we want to ignore but the person themself .

Current system a toon can be ignore so the person can change toons to bypass said ignore .

We want a system that when we ignore a person it is al of their characters all at once .

And that is your perogative .

We are not asking for Blizz to come in and silence people we don’t want to deal with .

We are asking for the tools to do it ourselves . Ignoring an account does not prevent one from speaking in here . Only breaking the Forum CoC can do that .


I was responding to someone saying there was already a mass block, or account ignore. They seem confused so I asked what the purpose of the thread was for then.

There is no account ignore for the forums .

You can only ignore by toon .

It’s not the various toons a person has that we want to ignore because they are not actual individual entities . It’s the person behind the toons we want to ignore .


I understand the request of the thread there champ.

It was just some confusion by another that you picked out of the 16k list and thought for some reason I needed it explained to me.

That’s just retail . Don’t forget the 50 each classic era and Calssic Wrath/Cata get



Wait, you’re telling me… if I play classic I can add 50 more children to my family?? Excuse me, boys, I’m off to make some classic characters! :running_woman: :dash:


Why does it feel like the Q dwarf is trying to get people some what riled up ?

Is he one of the regulars or a friend trying to get this thread shut down ?


Already admitted this thread is a waste of time yet he keeps replying to people.

1000% another troll working on the thread shut down.


Just recently returned.

The forums are for fun mostly, but I do disagree with the thread.

Don’t matter if it is a waste of time or not at this point. It’s got 16k+ posts, if it’s going to inspire Blizzard then the voices have been heard I’m sure. Even if my goal was to shut it down I’m only adding to the huge post count at this point, it would be a wasted effort.

What about it do you disagree with ?

Do you believe that people should not have the right to block those they do not wish to deal with from their own personal view ?

Or do you think this is censorship and that people are some mandated obligation to have to read what others have to say ?

Give us an actual reason of why you are against this thread that isn’t the usual double speak that is normal for those against and never really answers the question that was asked


Most of wow twt imo doesn’t go around talking about the forums no. I’ve occasionally clocked something and friends have but were always to the point and it’s normally a tie in to tag blizz cs to get their attention some way. Like it’s clear and to the point not just random play by play ranting. Like there’s normally a tie in to some point when ppl in my circle do it.


Dang ya’ll been busy in here. 106+ comments.


For me when I came back and was giving likes a bit ago it was almost 200 and I was thinking good lord but then I gave out lots of likes so there’s that at least, lol.


There is a guy who makes YouTube videos about the WoW Forums, I don’t know if he still makes them.

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At least we’ve had someone confirm that using edit to try and dodge mod actions is delt with, since someone new has started doing it.

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Also, since the thread is over 10k, ignored posts don’t even show up. I’m sensing shenanigans.


Pinches and pokes the orc

You owe me a coke now.


That is because Vrak has all the information we need.

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