Can we get account wide ignore?

I refer you to post 16125 of this complete waste of 16k+ posts

Then leave. If it’s a complete waste, why are you still here? You either care about the topic or you don’t. So which is it?

If you don’t care and it’s a waste of time, stop trolling.

If you care, then it’s not a waste of time, so stop trying to act like we “take it too seriously” when you’re literally doing the same thing.


Don’t dictate to me!

Or wait, is this just a discussion?

I’m so confused!!!

Trolling, got it.


Wow, just come into my house and insult it

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No one owns a thread, sorry

I loved that game. The knocker in the game cabinet always made people jump.

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I made it

It’s all mine beardy


Or is it DJ Qbert…

1000 points to who guesses the original inspiration.

Well let’s go through it. So you responded to Rankin, when he said that people don’t get banned for their first offense.

So you said

So you responded that blocking is bad because it’s a first offense I guess…even though nobody actually said that. However you are ok with banning for multiple offenses…ie second offense, or maybe third.

So how is being pro second offense nobody gets to see someone post, and being anti someone can decide what they see themselves without effecting anyone else a compatible stance? You are both saying it’s ok to flag people and get them banned if they offend you and thus stopping everyone from seeing their posts…something you earlier labeled as controlling for someone to do just on their own.

Your statements are contradictory and thus seem to me to be disingenuous.


Where are you getting the second offence thing from? I never said that.

I said again, and again, and again, eventually… meaning possible many bans later…

Then I said it’s temporary unless they’re repeat offenders. I never specify the amount.

I will simplify, being ok with banning, which takes multiple offenses, and stops everyone from seeing something is antithetical with being against blocking which only effects the person doing the blocking and the person blocked.

The number of times it takes to be blocked was insinuated by Rankin as being more than 1, ie 2 or more.

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No, you’re just a confused Demon Hunter, back to the front line meat shield!

And because i have the ability to block you, I will do so now and save myself the mental energy of dealing with this idiocy.


:point_up: :point_up: :point_up:
precisely why I ignored.
hes just here for attention. thats ok, but Im not going back and forth for 3 days for his amusement. his own arguments contradict, lol.

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Yup just did the same. I give them a few tries then block after a bit. Debates are often for the audience for me.


Poor guy always gets linked by us


I don’t understand, why you would engage then if this is how you feel? I was just reading the conversation, you could of just stopped at any time.


It’s not about people not agreeing .

It’s about people even after being shown that their opinion is factually incorrect continuing to die on their hill of being wrong and using alts to bypass the ignores people have put them on .

We all have a right to say what we want as long as we folow Blizzard’s rules but what we don’t have is a right to be heard by those that choose not to listen to us.

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