Can we get account wide ignore?

Uhhh yeah if each person only makes one post… Blocking 100+ people is blocking probably half the active forum users, lol.

Hm. Much to think about.

Being permanently banned is unlikely for a first offense. And if I already reported them once, I’m very unlikely going to want to interact with them again.

So, once again, why should the person being antagonistic towards others have an easier time evading the ignore than the person trying to ignore the person that’s annoying them?


This here is my take on why Account Wide Ignore is needed. It exists in the game for a GOOD reason, and that is because people were hopping alts to continue harassing others who did not wish to hear from them.

This forum is the only place Blizzard does not have the ability to block communications from unwanted parties. Having to repeat that bock, after playing a guessing game about who it is, is certainly not optimal for players.

The rest of the benefits that come with a Bnet account level forum setup are also something I want.

  • Account wide trust level that does not reset when you change servers, change char name, or switch posting avatars.
  • Account wide flags/likes so that people can’t hop to an infinity of alt chars to flag/like posts inflating likes, or falsely reporting something to seem as though many flagged it.
  • Account wide post history, post count that does not vanish when you switch posting avatars.

I still want to use our chars as avatars and keep our transmogs, but I should not have to play guessing games over and over after I have someone on Ignore. All 3 of them! Seriously it is super rare I use it and only one person is on it permanently I think.


So a first offense and you want to ignore them for life?

Most forum trolls that people want to account ignore get banned and banned again, and again. Eventually the only way they can continue is to make another account, and that’s never ending and you can’t ignore that.

There is always a way around your ignore.

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So you agree it would be more profitable for blizzard for blizzard to add account wide ignore since you think people will continue to buy more accounts to get around it?

Even more reason to add it


That’s a bit silly, just pointing out the dedicated trolls can always get by an ignore. Many of us that have been playing for years already have multiple accounts. It don’t necessarily mean more money for Blizzard.

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And I’d rather make it harder for the person being antagonistic to get around the ignore. But you seem to want to coddle them from and let them continue being as annoying as possible.


Most after a ban are going to lighten up, I think your taking it to seriously. It’s only those that get ban after ban that are the real problem and I already explain how that will go.

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Well spoken, I am in complete agreeance with you on the subject.

So you got game time on every one of them accounts?

Plus gotta buy more once they’re ignored

Literally money printing machine, make it so blomzard

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Says the person who is trying to dictate how others use the forum. We all pay for this game, we can do whatever we wish to have the most pleasant experience.

How can you claim we’re taking it too seriously when you’re so clearly against being ignored? If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t still be here trying to discuss your side. Clearing, you take it seriously, as well.


You are joking, right? They’ll back off a teensy little bit so they don’t get immediately banned again, but they’ll continue to be antagonistic and annoying to people as much as they can.


You do if you want your point to matter. That is how debating works, changing peoples minds, or changing the audiences mind. If you don’t want or care about that, then don’t post your opinions that are against what everyone thinks.

You don’t seem to be genuine in any of your opinions as you are just counter arguing often against your own points.


Am I dictating or discussing, pick one or you’re just being…

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On a second offense you want to ban them from talking to…anyone?

Your arguments fight each themselves.


You’re making no sense

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Yea how dare they, that’s your job!

I know right?

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You’re discussing how you think people should act on the forums by just discussing things instead of ignoring.

You’re trying to dictate how people act on the forums by saying people shouldn’t ignore others just because they “disagree” with them, when that isn’t even the issue.

Don’t get mad at me because people don’t agree with you, man. That’s a you problem.