Can we get account wide ignore?

Yet we’re not allowed to ignore them?? Make it make sense.

If they don’t matter, then it doesn’t matter if they get ignored or not.


That’s a biiiiiiiiig assumption about the reasons that people want to ignore people.

I have three people, out of the entirety of the forums, on ignore not because they disagree with me or I disagree with them, or because they’ve said anything about me that I don’t like or because they “challenge my assumptions” or whatever.

I have them on ignore for the sake of my sanity, because if I see their bad-faith bait posts I’ll feel like I need to argue with them and give them the attention that they’re fishing for. I don’t want to have to see their various assorted nonsense no matter what character they post it from, and two of the three have a tendency to start posting under alts specifically to make people who have ignored them see their posts again.

I’ve been fortunate to never be harassed here, but I’ve seen others get persistently followed and had people poke at them constantly in ways that go way beyond civil discourse but don’t quite meet the criteria on a post by post basis for the posts being unacceptable, only in the overall pattern of behavior that really needs to get egregious before the forum mods connect the dots. I’ve seen people say awful things to each other that got their posts removed, but after a quick blip of a vacation they came back and were posting again. I don’t think that people should have to keep seeing posts from people who lobbed some truly terrible, seriously despicable stuff at them that went way beyond a disagreement.

I’ve seen people putting out views that affected people in deeply personal ways that they should be able to disengage with rather than have to constantly debate the validity of their existence and their lives, and it’s completely okay in my view for people to get exhausted and just not want to have to pull out the fifteen-slide Powerpoint every single time to show people who aren’t even listening anyway that they should get to have basic rights.

This is beyond a “pull on your bootstraps and develop some grit” situation. And in a roundabout way, people curating their own experience on the forums instead of reporting people is a benefit for the people who like to have edgy opinions, because then they’re left alone to continue to be edgy, just the people who know that they don’t want to engage have already proactively taken action on their side to not see it instead of trying to get that person’s message taken down.


And thats your prerogative…but you dont get to dictate how WE deal with the scenario.

exactly…and Im NOT wasting MY day on certain persons arguments when Ive spent months going back and forth and finally realize, like my ex wife, I want them OUT of my presence entirely. The ignore allows me to do that.

ok…and THATS why you ignore…because theres no point in even seeing their posts.

Your logic almost seems to be contradictory in a way. lol

Your preference is your own and you have the right to have it and follow it. The same is true for people who choose to block you or others. Not engaging with you is not controlling you, it is a choice that people have the right to make just like any other interaction with someone.


Dang, I’m just debating the topic, no reason to feel attacked by an opinion.

You misunderstand. Most of us don’t know anyone on the forum on a personal level. So when people troll, say something mean, they don’t matter. No reason to feel like you’re being attacked on a personal level from an avatar on the internet.

But if people ignore them, suddenly it matters a lot?

Gunna be honest, pretty sure you’re just kinda full of it based on your posts, especially some of your older posts cuz you disappear for a while at a time, like someone swapping to an alt


They are quite hostile to anyone outside their world view, and a few others are like them. Their isn’t really a point of discussing anything to them, the second that you say something that tweaks their nose, they pull up their tent poles, take their ball and run home.


I just started playing the game again yesterday.

But, I have swapped avatars in the past, it’s how I learned your posts are not account bound.

I wasn’t even having a conversation with her, I was talking to someone else and she responded to me, went off about how I was wrong and then was like “yeah you’re another one on my block list.” :dracthyr_lulmao:

Like, okay? Good riddance.


“respond to me and I’ll get all hyperbolic”
Sound about right? lol
Looks as if you are LOOKING FOR offense to find in posts, friend.
I stated sheer fact, nothing more

and we dont need to.
Im not here to be anyones buddy.
Im here to talk about the game…to not be stalked and harassed while talking about the game…which causes the ignore to become required here, just like every other forum and social media site on the web since they became a thing.

You do realize people get stalked and even murdered in real life after talking to someone on forums and social media correct?
not trying to by hyperbolic myself here, but you are pretending that we all sit around the camp fire singing Kumbaya and there are no real threats online so we should never do anything, such as ignore people, to preserve some level of distance from suspicious persons.

here on this forum, yeah, Im safe as it gets online, but I still intend on ignoring bad actors and NOT allowing them to waste MY time in here.
My body, my choice, as they say.

1 Like

You’re the one who came in and said that ignoring people was controlling them.


I have no interest in reporting to get some one banned. When they are banned, no one on the entire forum can see their posts. I just want to stop seeing them for myself.

Your post look like you are throwing things at the wall hoping something will stick. It’s not sticking


I don’t need people to agree with me, not here for the likes unlike many here.

I am here for the likes mostly.

Edit: Oh yeah that’s the stuff. FERAL FRIDAY BABY


I’m just here because I’m bored :dracthyr_lulmao: And people have accepted my obsession with tacos which is quite nice. Always happy to convert more people to the cause :taco:


I am here.


I’m here because the alternative is doing my job and that’s…


Well this is the WoW forum, got any evidence of a forum conversation that turned out in the manner you spoke of?

Most of the online stuff turned horror I heard was when it was people using their real name online.

Anyway, ignore away, more power to ya, I just don’t see a point in Blizzard making the effort for account wide ignore as it seems like it’s more about convivence then anything else.

Holy crap you are the king of cherry-picking because you missed the part where I even admitted that I was using hyperbole and then switch channels to this forum talking about bad behavior on this form and ignoring to keep from having my time wasted

Given all that I’m starting to think that you’re just here to troll me and so now I’m going to ignore you

YES! score 1