Can we get account wide ignore?

Isn’t that the whole point? No one is required to listen to anything you have to say.


I don’t see how those things relate at all. This is a video game forum and we’re hidden behind avatars. The subjects tend to be game related. If people start mass blocking accounts they will end up in an echo chamber, that is not going to result in healthy forum discussion.

Sounds like a great idea to me! Also, I think multiboxing should go away as well. Let’s fix a whole lot of things while we fix the account issues.

I dont get your point, friend.
you dont get to keep yapping in my ear if I dont want to hear you.
Thats YOU literally trying to control the person your going at, lol
you DO see the duplicitousness in your position here, correct?

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I’m sorry but what? This is an insane way of thinking. Stopping someone from doing something to you is absolutely not controlling them. It is keeping control of yourself. This is a very creepy comment.


I think abuses committed with boxing should be controlled. But boxing in itself is fine.
Say, I dont think boxers should be allowed to hinder solo players game, but if they just want to farm old content, etc, I dont see any problem with it

I do. It skews the economy and causes a lot of weird issues in game balance. It’s not horrible, but the game would be better without it…especially if it causes issues with other things. At the very least it should be all tied to one bnet account so you can clearly be seen as a multiboxer by the system.

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Who cares what they do?


Death threats, hate speech, and other things against the forum code of conduct are not “healthy forum discussion”. Those things are a big part of why people want account-wide ignore.

It’s not “healthy forum discussion” when you can’t block someone telling you to unalive yourself because they just switch to another sockpuppet. People shouldn’t have to continually “debate” their right to exist when they came here to play (and discuss) a game.


the VAST…VAST majority of members here very good people who no one wants to block…so I think youre being just a tad bit hyperbolic.

If I block the OP here, I have very much the right to ask that ALL of the OPs account be blocked as well BECAUSE…in every instance on literally any other forum if you block the OP hes BLOCKED…he doesnt have 74 alts to keep coming back at you after youve ignored him.

A healthy forum discussion? Hm, I guess I shouldn’t block those people who outright call me a liar, who lie and say I threatened them and who tell me to off myself. I shouldn’t block those people who continually try to goad me into arguments. I shouldn’t block people who wish harm on me and my family.

Wouldn’t want to miss out on those “healthy” forum discussions, hey?


Forcing people to not be in whatever (legal) chamber they want to be in is controlling. Not deciding for yourself what you want. Your thoughts on this again seem very inverted and creepy.


eh…this is where we really likely will be in disagreement, and thats ok.
Im actually all for their dumping as much as they can on the AH and keeping prices low.
Ive been a flipper in the past and yeah, I WAS the bad guy, lol…but I see now that certain things on the AH really screws with newer players game…ie they dont have the gold to be spending 300g each for some mat just to level up profession X.

I dont flip anymore or box, but I think anything that drive down prices on the AH is a good thing for the economy.

But there already is a system for account wide blocking in that case. It’s called report them and they get banned.

Why are you deleting all of your posts?

Anyway, Blizzard gave us the ability to ignore people on the forum and in game. I like this idea and I use it.


Not always. People slip through the cracks. Threads are often deleted in whole without being read because the mods simply don’t have the time to do so.

The mods aren’t perfect, nor is the system they have to work with. For those instances, we should be able to protect ourselves.

My Database has been updated with information on one of you enjoying my paladin’s name. Please refrain from enjoying the name. It is a French name and NOT a reference to the posterior of a male.

Okay, I just prefer to not block anyone and take the good with the bad. It’s just a video game forum. None of these people matter in the slightest. Besides the few that go way overboard and deserve to be reported and banned, I see no reason to block as getting someone banned does the trick even if it’s for a limited time.

The notion of people blocking sure does seem to bother you though


Just one that was being overused and taken a bit out of context.