Can we get account wide ignore?

I agree, there should be a way to include more detailed info as to why it’s being flagged.

At the same time, there are situations where the content of a post is perfectly fine, but that it was posted to begin with is a problem.

Actually remove the presets and ONLY have the box.
make everyone EXPLAIN why they are reporting in their own words.
Far easier to determine if theyre lying and false reporting by doing it that way

This could help a lot honestly, especially considering like I said above I know I got targeted in the elf threads because I wanted different stuff, I wasn’t actually breaking any rules so yeah.


Eh, I feel like the presets do help a bit in showing what is worth it at first, plus a few of the categories do need higher scrutiny than others do.

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I swear I think I might remember some of that…or something similar.
I do have recollection of a big stink about elf changes someone was talking about.
Im sure I wasnt paying much attention to flagged posts or anything, just the conversations.
Seems like that void elf thing got pretty heated last year or so too in here.

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you didn’t answer my question but ok

I was one of the ones not wanting Blood Elf stuff for Void Elves and instead void stuff for Void Elves and it made a lot of people dislike me but as I said I wanted pink hair color and glowy skintones not blonde hair and blue eyes, I wasn’t actually breaking any rule by saying that or posting that but people would bomb flag me.


Maybe keep the presets, but dont let the person SEND the report unless they type maybe 100 characters to explain for whichever preset they choose.

“trolling” in the ‘trolling’ preset doesnt commit them to anything.
Mods should blanketly IGNORE any flags that arent CLEAR about what exact thing they are reporting.

“poster x here is calling names, listing my alts for no valid forum purpose”

under the “Inappropriate” preset, for example.

Its just juvenile to report over crap like that.
God Id HOPE its CHILDREN and not adults behaving in that manner.

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Yeah, I dunno, it actually occured to me last night, how an account wide ignore would be implemented with the way the forum software treats us.

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They need a text box for flags so more details can be given

Characters are already tied together via change character and account wide suspensions

Yeah, but it seems everything is moving away from that. Makes it easy to ignore lots of problem stuff if it doesn’t fit in a neat box. (mainly thinking here about social media and lack of ability to flag stuff as “This is going to get someone killed” on DIY content for example)

Yeah, true. But lets say if you were to place me on ignore, is it going to continue to say Ayukama-Frostmourne, and then all my alts magically show up in the ignore list, or is it going to add my BNet account, so when ignoring Ayukama-Frostmourne, it is going to place Saracalia#1520

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That is not how ignores work, Khrog. How about you stop switching between alts everytime people place you on ignore.

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it is exactly how account wide ignores work… you even said yourself

there is a possibility of our private btags being put onto the ignore list.

You try and argue that with Blizzard. Good luck. Back on the ignore you go, Khrog.


if our btags aren’t private… then you should be able to tell me what my btag is right now, correct???

I’ve suggested an option where people could choose character or account.

Maybe name/server for character and maybe something like btag showing only in ignore and not in threads for account ignores

Also add an ignore option when right clicking on a persoñ separate from show activity

no we cannot have btags showing in the account wide ignore.

btags are our private information…