Can we get account wide ignore?

Its literally a violation of the rules…yet its done all the time somehow.

  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages

I know it is and it’s why I don’t understand why people that false flag don’t get punished for it, I mean I have seen people say they got punished for mass flagging posts with alts so clearly mods can see who flags post so why not hold people that do that accountable, if it actually breaks the COC that’s different but if it’s just a different opinion or something it shouldn’t be use the flag as a dislike button.

i am very sorry to be the one to tell you this but you are never going to get account wide ignore on the wow forums - it simply creates too many invasion of privacy issues.

i do hope you have a wonderful day, though, friend :slight_smile:

Its one of my biggest gripes on this forum.
I had like a dozen posts restored in one day in one of these threads, lol.
Im sorry but we ALL have been here long enough to know what violations look like.
Someone(s) decided to go on a flag bombing tirade over being upset about being disagreed with.

If I had my druthers, false flagging would be a warning, then a 3 day, then 30 days off for every subsequent offense.
its literally TROLLING moderation to do it.

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yeah well it happens all too frequently here… people who don’t want to allow others to share their opinions when those people disagree with them.

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And again, that’s not how that works. Even if we did have you’d be the first to get account ignored.

that is exactly how it works, which is why account wide ignores should never come to the wow forums.

Trust me I know, I used to go into the elf threads way back when and just because I wanted pink hair color and glowy skintones instead of blonde hair and blue eyes my posts would get flagged and then restored then flagged and restored and so on and so on, as I said they can see who does the false flagging so they should hold them accountable for stuff like that, legit.

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oh yes, i would agree 100%… people who make false flags should be punished.

it is a waste of moderator time.

thank so very much for sharing that opinion, friend :slight_smile:

I agree that people shouldn’t be using flag as a dislike, but simply punishing people who flag stuff that gets restored just isn’t a good idea.

People shouldn’t be flagging stuff that doesn’t actually break the COC though, honestly I went through that for years and years with the elf threads and I shouldn’t of because it was wrong and very rarely did I ever actually have a post deleted because they didn’t break the COC, maybe if people got put into check about not to false flag just because they didn’t like a post they might not use it as a dislike button anymore.

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this is a very good opinion, i agree with it… definitely, well-said 100%

i think its a great idea. it would really help solve alot of the problems here on the forums, definitely.

thank you for sharing your opinion, friend :slight_smile:

But there are edge cases to the rules. People should be allowed to flag posts that exist in the grey area, that aren’t unambiguously allowed, or unambiguously not allowed.

Also, given how little info you can convey with a flag, there is stuff that objectively should get removed, but doesn’t.

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its literally a violation of forum rules. So YES, they SHOULD be punished for it just like any other violation of the rules here.

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You can’t just make up rules for the CoC to punish posters you don’t like.

here comes ardmccloud to save the day… ard, i was just talking about how your intelligence is ahead of your time…

you are truly a hero, my friend.

i genuinely agree with this statement 100%… it is very well-said

Then perhaps mods should look at what was flagged and if it is considered in the grey area and restored don’t take action but otherwise if it’s just because people want to false flag a differing opinion for example they should face the consequences of false flagging just like with any other COC violations.

If its spelled out in the code of conduct,then its punishable

  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
  • Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary or permanent ban from the forums, depending upon severity

abusing the report with FALSE alarms. Its right there in text.
up to and including a permanent ban.

The problems the mods have noted about that is that they do not want to discourage people who might be making flags with good intentions. Not every well intentioned flag is going to result in an action, just sometimes it may meet the criteria but not be enough for the mod to do anything. And with most of the categories you really have to take intention into account as they are subjective rules, so unless there’s something like a confession somewhere or obvious shenanigans like someone using multiple alts to flag a post, they’re not likely to do anything.

Probably more effective to add in a dislike button that just ups a counter and does nothing else.

Also bringing back the field to enter in a note on your flags would go a long way (hell, make it a mandatory part of it)

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They should look at the reporters history for previously flagged posts to see if there is a pattern. If a large percentage of their flags are restored, and if it seems to be directed at specific persons over and over, I think the pattern is pretty obvious that the flag is false and malicious in nature and should be punished to the same degree any other trolling, etc would be.

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