Can we get account wide ignore?

Pretty much. Pretty much i’ve done so to give my opinion on things pretty much.

I mean, that’s pretty much the name of the social medias isn’t it? Give opinion on things.

“Why you screenshot it?” To give an opinion on it.

Content creators are posting screenshots of youtube comments on the forums?

Curious. I had not heard of this before.

If you read it you’d figure out the reason pretty quick.

yeah, its to be able to respond in ways that would cause a ban here.
If one needs to do that to ‘get it out of their system’ like that…yeah…concerning…very.

If you were to read it, you’d retract the apology. Some of it is VERY derogatory, much name calling.
precisely why Id never what such to have my in game public ID in here.

Okay, no offense, but i no longer believe you’ve never heard of this. Either that, or you REALLY don’t know how any of this works.

So i’l keep it simple.

They also make videos about reading their comments, both good and bad. They post reddit screenshots, tumblr screenshots, etc. It’s a really common thing and it’s super popular.

Definitely not harassment like some people would like you to believe lol


I argue ubiquitous.

like Asmon? lol
Yeah…thats NOT a good example to use, youtube. The creators who behave like that are the problem with the game. they spread their foul behavior onto their audience who then spreads it over here and in game.
Not anything anyone should be aspiring to.


I really haven’t, i’m not an avid forum user these days. I received a multi-year ban from the forums in 2016 and have only started posting again recently after the ban was turned over after a nearly a decade.


I wanna watch that. XD

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You don’t need to be anything to understand this is a Ubiquitous thing to do for everybody who is on the internet.

People screenshot things, and post it with their opinion. Where the shot is on, and where the site person said come from doesn’t matter. :man_shrugging:

Hm, fair enough.

Who else partakes in the ubiquitous act of posting forum screenshots to twitter?

I wish to follow them.

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Ya mean posting screenshots to another website? Because that’s ultimately what it is.

Twitter is just another website. As well the WoW forums. The 2 subject matters here regarding the websites are interchangeable.

No the ubiquitous act of posting wow forum screenshots to twitter, if it is a common thing that is very normal there must be others?

I would like to witness more of this forum screenshot posting with my own two human eyes.

Which part? lol

Oz Media does great videos on reading Tumblr posts.

Kwite has done comment reading from a certain website with hub in the name.

Jacksepticeye has a few reading comments videos.

Ooga Booga has a funny video just titled criticism where he reacts to people criticizing him lol

Do you post screenshots from the wow forums on twitter?

Bear this little detail in mind. this group wants to keep everyone else in here ‘accountable’…ie the one who is over ranting on twitter about THIS forum, using some VERY derogatory language about us here…wants to be the guy keeping you accountable.

I find that…ironic and yeah…concerning

I don’t because I think twitter is a dumpster fire of dumpster fires. You couldn’t pay me to actively use that site :dracthyr_lulmao:

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No, the ubiquitous part we were clearly refering to is posting screenshots of one website, to another.

Like Screenshots of Youtube comments to Reddit.
Or Twitter comments to Facebook.
Or 4Chan comments to Tumbler.
Or Forum comments to even other Forums.
Or even Twitter screenshots to Twitter even.

And mix/swash and everything in between.

It doesn’t even have to be a screenshot of somebody saying anything, or even a screenshot at all, if you’ve noticed my latest comment about Helldivers 2. (Can’t share it because Blizzard dislikes swearing)

…How long have you’ve been using the internet? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I have had access to some parts of the internet for my entire lifespan. My first internet experience was with a friend in 2009 when they introduced me to world of warcraft at a local public computer cafe. I would sneak out with my friend to play and in general access the internet. I was never able to access it while within my community but my friend helped me by paying for my subscription for years via game time cards.

I ran away from my community in 2016, and only came back after my guardian allowed me access to play online games, but with the stipulation that i would be monitored and unable to communicate with players outside of my community.

Last year the community was split apart by the government so now i have been slowly introducing myself to the world. This is why i am so curious about twitter.

I didn’t mean to cause offense.

It is pretty bad

I’m only there to follow artists and see pretty pictures, but even then I get thrown some insane alt right takes on things and gotta block em

Over 8k accounts blocked and still going, I just want pretty pics

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