Can we get account wide ignore?

I give you permission to post every single thing I post that has “Taco” in it c: You can call it Jaetaco’s greatest taco hits!


But i do that too. You just don’t happen to be the people i praise tho.

It’s not slander if it’s true tho.

You dislike that we don’t blindly agree with you.

Appeal to triviality much? lol.

It just makes it obvious to everyone so doing it in the first place doesn’t make sense.

Having an option to completely get rid of jerks is pretty valid. Mad it’s not a thing already. PS now i want a Fajita.


Sacura is just saying that cuz she can’t ignore me IRL

I remember seeing that a while back and thinking the person WAS the original lol.
Someone had to clear it up for me that it was someone trolling with a similar name or something to that effect.
I do remember their posts sounding very uncharacteristic for the original poster.
Yeah, that kind of level of trolling should be a perma ban.

I think even twitter has started some policy now if you make a mock account and dont make it clear you arent that person the account gets banned.
Clearly only for the rich and famous, lol

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This is true

At the same time though, there are people very passionate about not having btags our, some justified most insane, so at least the account wide is a nice neutral ground that almost everyone can agree on

And even then only some of them, double standards run rampant


But the forum community is here on the forum. What do people get out of posting screenshots on twitter? I only follow one person i know on the forums on twitter but I’m assuming the engagement there from the forum community here is nonexistent?

I’m not saying it shouldn’t be happening, everyone is free to do as they please as long as its not harming anyone. i’m just trying to get a grasp on why people bother doing it.


Hold up this is a thing?!


WoW community isn’t just the forum community.

I litteraly told you that.

When the person in question is being criticized or laughed at, it’s to indirectly tell others to avoid being an example of. Or avoid this person if they are doing bad things.

I didn’t say anything about a specific subset within the WoW community in my comment. If anything, i’ve spoked it as a general concept here that applies to any community here.

Well, you know why now.

Yeah, Especially here in Texas. I make them all the time for the family. Flank steak and chicken is quite cheap if you buy it from a Mexican Meat Market.


I like the idea of Fajitas Friday. :smiley:

We don’t have those around here but I can go get a sams club rotisserie chicken for 5 bucks and cook it up.

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Now, i have posted some screenshots that … well lets say, lean towards what i think should be an example to follow, or just something i simply like and it’s nice. Or something i’m neutral towards even.

Do you find you get any engagement from the wow community in general when you’re posting on twitter about forum related topics?

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Is this going somewhere? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Community share things with each other whether it be something positive or negative all the time. To praise or warn, to celebrate or even shun others.

I don’t see why this case is special here when it should be viewed upon as benign.

yeah you’re getting put on the spot bc you can’t respond to the same question i asked to u

he’s doing this to get his giggles with one other die hard pro tagger and repost to slander lmao just one bored dude. he can’t say what he really wants (which is insert political term here) so he says it there lol. no other reason to be posting on twitter.


Not going anywhere specific, just curious what drives someone to post screenshots from the wow forums to twitter. It’s not something I’ve ever seen before.

I apologize if i come across as accusatory. How much engagement do you get on twitter with screenshots of the forums here?

Here’s a nice photography photo


This question can easily be extended to other platforms like Youtube, as we’ve seen content creators use the forums. Which is also normal.

The reasons are rather numerous. But they are seldom malicious if that’s what you’re thinking.

It’s also worthy of mentioning, it’s not always because of money either. (Tho doing it for the money doesn’t inherently make you a bad person)

I can see why someone would post it so they can share their opinions on a topic that’s closed or really old. Since necro’ing is technically against the rules.

It’s no different from taking a screenshot from tumblr and making a video compilation about them. I don’t really use tumblr anymore but I LOVE those videos because they’re funny and I can see that content without ever visiting the site.

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