Can we get account wide ignore?

My side is account wide ignores

I’m indifferent towards the btag stuff, wouldn’t bother me if it was added or not considering I’ve already posted mine lol


I’m the same way . I just believe btags would be the fastest way to do it


Honestly, the main reason I want battletags is so I can switch characters while people still know it’s me. Like, I wanna post from my mage sometimes but I choose not to because I’ve always used Jae on the forums.

Plus, I’m trying to build my trust :dracthyr_cry_animated:


lmao…yeah thats my downfall. I ‘work’ at home building and maintaining websites and raking in lazy $$$ on website ads on, I dont know…60 or 70 websites Ive had set up for years…so I dont have a life outside the house :rofl:

I guess it does give plenty of time for playing WoW. lol. So thats a plus.

in this case, we have a dude posting ppls comments and slandering them. not like hes sitting here posting about us like we’re the best people on earth. it’s 1 sap crying so hard about having btags so bad that anyone who opposes him ends up on the wall of twitter. i mean its not that big of a deal but like lol?

if anything yeah, its just sad…sad and comical lol.

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I mean it could possibly speed it up

But at the same times the forums already knows everyone on our account based on the fact all your characters are suspended if you’re suspended

Honestly pretty fair reasoning behind it, not sure how much work it would be actually linking your entire post/rep together on all characters

I’ve worked with kids for years, I see enough drama in my work life that I genuinely don’t care about it for the most part when it’s on here with a bunch of adults lol

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Account wide
post counts
trust levels
and Fajita Fridays


Never had one, so I’m game for this

Think of it as the ultimate soft taco

grilled sizzling strips of beef or chicken with grilled strips of onions and peppers on a soft flout tortilla


If somebody is talking bullpoop, lies, misinfomation, and generally being an unpleasent person, the community knows one way or another. It is there criticize, as well have a bit of fun, but the point is to simply avoid being the example of. Keyword being Avoid.

Communites has a reputation. Esp since with some people around that you would want to def avoid. My posts and others aren’t made with the intention to attack, but to avoid.

And contrary to the popular misconception that even the pro-taggers are starting to believe…

Being told indirectly to avoid or not be this ≠ Attacking.

And neither is laughing at people either. If that was the case, 99% of the community would be guilty of this.

That’s kinda why I wish Blizz would stop being silent. I have NO IDEA how much work it would take, if it’s difficult or easy to do.

It’d be really cool to know a bit of how things work behind the scenes. Like a “how it works” kinda thing.

Aren’t fajitas spicy? :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

That actually sounds fantastic

That centaur guy said they’re heard the complaints and read some of the stuff

So who knows new xpac forum upgrades?

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Can we stop talking about food. It is almost 4 in the morning, I don’t want a too early of breakfast. Especially when I’m hungry now.


Had I not seen the behavior in here with some thinking they have authority to hold ANYONE else in here ‘accountable’…which is SOLELY moderations job…I think I wouldnt care either way either but only because I’d have been oblivious to some of the maliscious behavior I have seen by some. A twitter feed comes to mind.

I have friends who I would trust with my life…with my wife…with my stuff…because they are confirmed good people over years of knowing them.
How a person BEHAVES, what they do, what they say, how they interact…all that tells me I can either trust them…or I cant.

in here, with a bakers dozen or so…I cant.

Very concerning behavior. Just sayin…

See, a few days I actually started a twitter account to just re-post screenshots of positive posts from the forum since there’s these ones that are so negative. :frowning_face:


My name is Thor and I’m here to say Mal has the thiccest rump in this thread

I’d say there are probably some scenarios where keeping tabs on someone could be justified

Not many, but some for sure

Someone disagreeing with someone isn’t one of those reasons

But fairly recently we did have a person swap alts yet again to try and pretend they’ve done nothing, yet was shown in the recent past they made alts named after forum regulars as a way to slander and demean them, and the mods really didn’t do anything


Having BattleTags be visible would help with sock puppeting since everyone would be able to see the person behind the puppets.

Merely having account wide ignore would still allow the sock puppeteer to continue inflating support for their argument.

I saw these and thought the looked cool.

I mean if I got the puppeteer ignored, I see none of it

So it’s no longer my problemo