Can we get account wide ignore?

Internet is public and people share things around all the time. There’s nothing bad about it at all.

You might as well complain about internet as a whole, because that’s your argument here.

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They think it’s harassment to post a screenshot of a public forum to another public forum.

Aka they don’t want anyone to know about the BS things they say lmao


What a sad and pathetic thing to do. Maybe I’m fortunate but things have never been so bad off for me that I had to sneak around in the shadows with other people trying to get some sneak attacks on people I don’t like on a gaming forum.

No account wide tacos? What kind of monster are you!


I’m not complaining, I couldn’t care less. I actually feel kind of bad for people like that.

Listen, it’s been like… 20 hours? since I last posted here. I have to get my forum legs back :dracthyr_lulmao:


Because it’s not that serious. lol

It’s more pathetic than it is harassment. But you’re also the same person that said you would utilize btags to harass other posters. lol

Do you think it’s also pathetic and sad to keep track of postings on discord, twitter and here in their computer hoping to report them to blizz, or is that ok?


As soon as you said that, I was picturing that Loki gif…


That’s just as pathetic. Blizzard doesn’t accept screen shots for reports anyway.

Funny thing is if I dodn’t have them ignored I wouldn’t need a discord to flag them .

The voices in my head and me can do that fine on our own

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What’s the point of posting the screenshot though?

I’ve got you


Wll consider Mal created this thread it is obvious on which side of the argument he is on

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You probably think sharing things around the internet is a sad and pathetic thing to do. You can always leave the internet if you hate it.

Reels before Feels.

I knew this tweet would come in handy. :kissing:


I just want account wide ignores

But based on previous interactions I know you just like to stir the pot

I mean in my defense, it wouldn’t work cuz man that’s way too much work for the forums lol


That’s what i honestly thought here, but overtime, i’m like unsure where he stands.

Or maybe he just hates me being on his side, idk.

No idea, I’m not the one posting them :dracthyr_shrug: It’s just funny to me that people say it counts as harassment when it’s a public message anyone can see.

Personally, I feel like you shouldn’t say things online if you’re scared of other people reading/seeing it.

I was trying to post the gif but it was super long and I didn’t want to post that lol thank you

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And it is usually the same 3 to 4 against the idea of account wide ignores and btags keeping them alive too by responding