Can we get account wide ignore?

I don’t see how Blizz can do much. The only real concern I have are with those who have thousands of followers like influencers who would use their platform to cause issues in game and on the forums.


Because if anything they post gets flagged they claim they are being targeted and not breaking the rules, I often wonder if some people read what they say before they post it because it’s like hello.


Fair point. I dunno, it is hard to really say.


Star, this has been a thing since the internet. (Well agruably WAY further back before, it’s just the internet ampified it) Influncers and people with a big following, use other websites, including WoW forums even to grow their own channel or to show problems with the community and etc.

If it wasn’t a problem there, it’s not a problem here.

Hell, WoW community people do this too. On Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, etc etc. And swish, swash mix everything in between.


discord isnt something you just see. they seem to be private unless invited.
I had one myself to check it out and unless I invited someone no one could see it.

But like I said, they CANNOT deny what Ive said when we literally have one of them doing what I saw others doing on his own twitter. lol.
B’s twitter itself is PROOF beyond all argument that the behavior IS there.
That I quit their discord a long long while back and no longer have a link isnt relevant. His own twitter confirms the behavior.

Yea I’m not denying there are people who will just post what other people are doing in other spaces

That would be crazy to deny as it is easily proven

The thing in questioning is are there actual groups who are talking amongst themselves in other places with the intention to shut people down

Sure wingus here can yell into the wind all they want, that doesn’t prove they’re leading a group to mass flag someone, that just means they’re complaining to their apparently little to no interactions

you know the irony in all of this ?
WE ALL WANT account wide ignores. I want to ignore that T group as bad as anyone else.
But this is like the gun debate where I say…yeah, lets carry to defend ourselves, but NO…I dont think full auto is safe (to carry publicly)…and then I get threats by gun owners to end me and screaming that Im anti gun lmao.

Same type of thing here
WE ALL want the account wide ignore…but some here have declared war on others because of ONE STINKING DETAIL…they want our Btags to show and WE dont. lol
Thats it…lliterally.
They want to cause chaos in here because most of us dont want our IN GAME PUBLIC ID showing on this forum.

And they wonder why I have most of them ignored

Hey Mal, Aside from Appeal to Triviality, Nobody from our side (Well i say our side, i honestly don’t know who’s side your own at this point) is going up on twitter to coordinate a mass flagging. If they did, you would’ve seen it already.

Something I’ve noticed about the account wide ignore threads, the btag threads, and the anonymous threads is that it’s the same 6 to 8 people spamming them and keeping them alive. For the most part nobody else seems to care.

lol No one on your ignore list cares, at least I don’t. Doubtful anyone else does. :joy_cat:


Because every other WoW forum uses them without any type of problem so the whole fearmongering thing doesn’t really work it’s just people like you don’t actually want people to just ignore people and it to be one and done for real, further than that you act like you or anyone else that’s so scared of battletag showing would still have to post on the forums and you wouldn’t so easy solution right there don’t post if we went to battletags.

Account wide options in all regards should be a base thing for any forum and the WoW forums should be brought up to that standard.


This might be true. Maybe they care but don’t feel inclined to discuss it, though.
There are a lot of likes on the topic, for what that’s worth.


90% of threads with a purpose that isn’t just to be fun are like that, though actually the amount you see in this thread is a little higher than the average.

6-8 people is fantastic for a forum threads retention.


bc we’ve been running around the bend for over a year and a half
and the rest of the forums are sick of this crap and have long muted it.

the only reason youre seeing ppl suddenly postin on other topics is bc they muted this and are now seeing the revival and suddenly remembered this one exists lol.
like its a very small sum of us actually talk about it regularly.

1 Like

I couldn’t imagine how bad things must be for someone if they coordinate forum reports on twitter.

But I have seen with my own eyes that some people post forum snips on twitter. That’s pretty bad. lol

I find it ironic that they comment with that with a reply towards myself, while I have them on ignore because of their toxic attitude towards the community.


Ive been saving screen shots of this forum privately for a long time just in case a moderator ever wants to actually be able to see the ongoing harassment problem in here from a few.
I dont blast them all over the web, theyre in a folder in my screenshot folder and if nothing ever gets done, eventually I’ll just delete the things and leave it.
They are only there for evidene in case someone starts inquiring about all of this.

But using that stuff to try to get you, for example, to come along with me and start flagging every post and poster we dislike in here would be juvenile, petulant and should honestly be a permanent ban for the account after its happened enough times.

Why do you say it is bad?


I think I may have missed a day or two but

Vongola#1794 requests and supports:

  1. Account wide ignores :taco:
  2. Battle tags on the forums :taco:
  3. One singular account, keeping ignores, post count and trust level :taco:
  4. People who are ignored being unable to view your posting history or reply to you :taco:
  5. Forum themes :taco:
  6. No more notifications from people we’ve ignored :taco:
  7. Friends list and DMs :taco:
  8. Tacos every tuesday :taco:

Have a good one, ya’ll.


The second they stop talking about my in game public ID being in here for all to see, this topic loses alll interest for me.
That is the ONLY detail Im not backing down on.