Can we get account wide ignore?

Baridors twitter is proof beyond argument that the ‘accountability’ group IS taking stuff off site.
its not even debatable. Mods themselves at least saw the links that were posted in the now locked thread…so its not debatable, but fact.

I read a lot of the posts there and its the SAME kind of stuff that was on the discord before.
They can deny it all they want, but we have one of them doing it and very clearly doesnt even try to hide it, which I do respect that from him…hes not being dishonest about it, at least, like others

You’re the one acting like there’s some secret squirrel discord channel with evil masterminds plotting against you for reasons.


My discord has skynet that breaches containment sometimes.


You would be correct. Blizzard has no authority over 3d party sites and platforms.


not the point and that poster knows it.
the point is…for the 990th time…they are taking this forums discussions off site and reacting to them…and they ARE discussing which posts ‘need’ to be flagged.
I know…i was there…I saw it…with my own eyes. lol

and as Mag above said…he quit discord over racism.
I quit when I saw what they were doing and how they were behaving.

So what? Nothing can be done about it. You are gonna have to live with it.


I legit love that channel, it’s like my favorite one so I can post my AI pics which I make so many of them, lol.


Until moderation gets just sick of it enough to actually start watchign who is flagging, how many times theyre flagging posts that are restored…and if they are stalking specific members here around intentionally flagging them and so decide to change some rules here to deal with it.

60s posts. I think I see what happened here. lol

Yeah I like it cause of the AI stuff but also cause of animatronics and stuff.

Once school is over I’ll probably post more animatronic content in there.



If it were really as bad as she is claiming it’s shocking they have any posts visible at all.


I got no interest in what that thing is doing

As far as I’ve been told they get no attention for any of this anyway, so it’s just someone screaming into the wind


You do know I’m Stormfury? I have mentioned several times on the forums. Yeah, take your ball, go home.


Isn’t it amazing? There’s some super secret cabal of users deciding to flag bomb Liolang, but only certain ones (usually the ones that break the rules), and we’re the ones silly for not believing in it.


If you want a photography sharing one, here’s mine.

Mainly flowers, wolves and moon / landscapes


yeah, it was just curiosity for me.
someone posted the link to B’s twitter and I checked it out.
Its literally the SAME type of stuff that was on that discord …taking this forums content and railing on it, but instead of it just being one persons reactions to posts, which is fine, it was their discussing who and what ‘needed’ and should be flagged.

Obviously one cant prove they carried it out, but I think with my being on their hit list AND theyre flagging me endlessly, 99%of which get restored, that they know that they are false flagging in here to harass myself and maybe some others and troll moderation

Im hoping when we get that account wide ignore that its like twitter…both ways…so if you block someone, neither side can see the other…and they make it so you cant see the forums unless logged in.

Of course, the true troll will just create another bnet and be right back in here, lol

You referenced TWITTER, so yes I know it.


I think there does need to be some rules towards it, to some extent though, as some people do it intentional to harass others in a way to get people to turn against others.

I clearly don’t endorse what the Twitter guy is doing

But not to be super dismissive or anything, I personally haven’t seen any of these discords designed to coordinate things, I have seen at least 3? Other people saying they’ve been targeted by them but I also know at least 1 of those people post very unsavoury things regularly as well

So I’m gunna stay on the ‘not sure it really exists’ side on the topic until I actually see something proving their actual existence, but I also wouldn’t be super surprised if it did exist to some extent based on a few characters around here


Hell, some of us aren’t, or on ones that has nothing to do with the forums or have people that couldn’t give a dice about the forums even.

It’s actually pretty normal for people to share things around the internet.

Yup lol. :point_up:

It’s almost like their not even discussing they should be flagged. :thinking:

…How exactly would that even be enforced if everybody has access to the prin-scrn key and the forums is public for people to look at? How exactly something that happens on everywhere on the internet can be enforced?

Aslo, none of the twitter posts we do have the intent to attack others. Nor they did attacked. Criticism or laughing isn’t even attacking.