Can we get account wide ignore?

downvotes should help w/ at least some flag abuse but im startin to think
they need to expand the reasons or let us type up why we are reporting the post
similiar to a quick text in game. some times i wanna report n give in detail and not
like i’m spamming the report button for reasons but idk if they feel like readin everyones crap lol.


That’s your choice to make. And you might not like it when other people point out alt hopping by someone, but that’s also something you will have to deal with. There’s nothing wrong with it.


What do you report them for?


get rid of the ‘reason’ list. make us tell WHY we are flagging.
Then if its not what we accuse someone of doing, WE get a vacation for trolling moderation.
Way too long theyve all been here to NOT know what IS and ISNT an actual violation
They flagged a post the other day that was restored like 3 times, lmao…they KNOW they are abusing the flag in here.

Anyone against this would also be against /ignore if we did not already have it.


As someone who’s in a few different WoW-related discords, I have not seen any evidence of this supposed coordinated flag-bomb conspiracy. The overwhelming majority of posts are related to food, pets, and memes. Your problem starts and ends with you and the content of your posts. You’ve also switched posting characters at least 4 times that I know of. You’re one of the poster children for why we need account wide ignore, and preferably Btags.


TBH with how some people are, I 100% believe flag bombing is a thing but who cares? Reports have to be reviewed anyway by a person.


because after so many times, and Ive watched this happen a LOT myself…mods get sick of it and lock a thread down or delete a post that doesnt violate the rules just to stifle that group, evidently
Ive had long list of my posts deleted because one side here cant handle being proven wrong so coordinate their flag bombings over on discord to get a thread locked or drive mogs so nuts with it that they just give up and lock, delete, ect to keep from dealing with it…and who can blame them

They should keep tabs on how many flags an account makes, how many of those were restored.
If the majority of someones flags are restored, you know at a point they know they are just behaving like trolls and they should be removed from the forums because while claiming to want disruptive behavior gone, they ARE 50% of the disruption on this forum.

Ive been here nearly 7 years now. Its the same names, and the same problems over and again…and I was on their discord, so I KNOW personally, first hand, what they were doing over there…totally obsessed with THIS forum and its members.

May as well stop waiting .

People in hell will get ice water long before Lil responds


Oh no some are actually against us having the screwed up version of ignore we have right now

It’s a super-secret Discord channel that apparently has a ton of members, but only Liolang knows about it. And it has so many members that they can’t figure out which one is Liolang and ban them from the channel. Even though they know Liolang has “infiltrated” them since they keep flag-bombing their posts here.

Super serious stuff. :roll_eyes:


I have cut back on most of my social media and although I would love to be active and join another discord which I was graciously invited to :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, I have not heard about this one you’re referring to except from Lio (and their alts).


LITERALLY proving my case for me currently, lmao

Man, imagine being that dedicated

Everytime I joined a wow discord I usually quickly remember why I don’t join any and end up leaving lol


Can’t imagine being so paranoid and with such a victim mentality. Perhaps you might consider you’ve had posts removed for valid reasons.


Someone here that I actually liked started the one Ive mentioned a few times.
I trusted their ongoing behavior here enough to follow them over to the discord they had invited people to so we could get away from the group causing the drama here…other than that T group, obviously.

It might have lasted 10 days or so before the very ones i thought we were getting away from here were showing up there and VERY quickly every discussion turned into THIS forum and its members and how horrible it was.

its NOT the forum itself or 99.9999% of members here …who are great to talk to.

its that very small subset of poster who claim to want to make everyone ‘accountable’ while they literally ARE the majority of problems here given the T group only shows up a couple times in a year.

They prove the case that they ARE taking this off forum with their own twitter feeds.

You are so sweet and kind! I want some more like :crazy_face: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :thinking: :yawning_face: :pouting_cat: :kissing_cat: :hear_no_evil:


Honestly the only wow discord I was ever in that had serious problems was like during BFA I think

They were very openly racist, so naturally I didn’t stay there after finding out about that

The other ones I just kinda gradually forget I’m in the and I don’t like my discord being super full, so I just peace out


Nothing wrong with this.
Not sure I’d do it but there is nothing against any rules to do this.


I’m happy to have you in mine at least

Oh speaking of, bird watching / critter watching channel Tarrok posted where the birdies laid their first egg if you haven’t seen that.