Can we get account wide ignore?

I see that the most famous “a blue said…” poster is here, but they can never seem to find those blue posts to link.


Phone books still exist, well, they still exist here, though aren’t usually dropped off to homes, but mostly for businesses.

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I mean it’s ultimately people’s own prerogative on why they would point such a thing out

I see no issue if someone does

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I like to discuss ideas but if it’s the same person talking back and forth with the whole,

“Yes I agree. Great opinion.”
“Why yes I agree with your opinion that was great”

It makes it obvious it’s just bumping for the sake of bumping and it goes no where when it’s the same person doing it with different characters.

Sure there’s gonna be some daily posts what not of people saying they support x or y and usually they have a reason as to why somewhere in the thread. I bring up stuff and sometimes it’s flat out ignored and or talked around and the whole point of a discussion is to have well a discussion.


It’s certainly not adding anything to the discussion.


Well the correct prodecure would be to report them and be done with it

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Arguing about what to do when someone exploits the current system really that helpful when people are asking why said exploit is possible to begin with.

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The problem is, in all cases the person wants attention they arent getting elsewhere, negative or positive attention, they dont seem to mind either.
Im not giving it to them, personally.

:point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

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Daily support for account wide ignores, flags, likes, trust levels and total post count.


Flags do get abused as downvotes. No need to dump this on the moderators, bring back downvotes, but never hide a post when downvotes get high.

But thats not true literally at all.
EVERY forum like this can get around that by simply creating another account.
And a real troll will do just that.
I have like half a dozen bnet accounts myself for when I was boxing and also setting up personal guilds and crap.
Some could do a second bnet account to troll with and just keep rotating a second account if it gets suspended.

THIS forum is pretty odd in that you have to pay to post, but there are a million other forums out there where you can post with free accounts so its limitless how many times someone can ignore you and you can just get around the ignore by making a new account.
Email addresses are just as limitless for setting new accounts up with.

Granted thats the exact reason some of these sites started demanding a cell phone number to limit new accounts being made.

I like the emoji reaction system on fb. Sometimes i want to give a heart or a laugh instead of a normal updoot


Having to pay for a second subscription would IMO impact people’s ability to do this endlessly.


There is a player on my realm that likes to troll everyone in ogrimmar on occasion…dude has to have at least a few dozen accounts.
Hit youtube and watch these whales and their rigs sometimes. They have money. They have the time.
And if they have a trolling attitude $15 to get around an ignore isnt much for them.

Yeah, It’s like this with me: Well, I’m not able to write a good response to this post about [X poster] being sick or whatever. I’m going to give it a :blue_heart: like, but “like” is not the reaction I really want to convey, but it will have to do because there’s no :people_hugging: no :dracthyr_heart: etc.

It’s not as important as account-wide ignores and maybe not important at all for many/most. But, it would help those of us who sometimes have trouble communicating effectively with text/speech. And, not everyone has TL3 to post images/GIFs to convey a message, and I don’t have the time or mental and emotional bandwidth to make a lot of GIFs for more general responses though maybe I should try if I get back to making them.


Let’s say this person is willing to put 500 a month CAD into trolling the forums. that would be 22 accounts with what i would consider to be a whale sized investment. 6 grand a year CAD). Truely an edge case, i think we could both agree.

Right now you could do this an infinite amount for 21.99 a month CAD. Its IMO a massive barrier. It would be much more manageable to block 22 accounts vs infinite toons.


Im not saying anything, but just myself I spent nearly $1000 on this game in one month early BFA. Granted I had something I wanted to do (Not the AH mount, lol) that was ruined because BFA was horrid, but yeah…I have the money to blow where I want.
I realize thats not every WoW player, but some do. And if that person is the trolling, hateful sort, well yeah…they can get around ignores and likely cause disruption in game if they didnt mind a few of those accounts getting suspended for a while.

People are often mean spirited, spiteful self serving sorts and us gamers arent exempt from that behavior, sadly enough.

edit…but yes, Im 100% for account wide ignores.

Still waiting.


Here is a question Lilithia, what does doxxing have anything to do with account wide ignores? What does doxxing have to do with your characters. Did you name all your characters your real name, your street address, your phone number, your date of birth, etc, basically personal information?