Can we get account wide ignore?

They still pass them out around here weirdly enough.

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Phone books were around recently enough to be on MythBusters.


I learned a trick to ripping thick phonebooks in half. When holding the book, make it spine towards you, gripping it, also twisting back and forth, to a point the spine cracks and breaks, then tear away. Do it around drunk friends, and you never have to buy a beer again.

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I got one at the beginning of the year and I don’t even have a land line.


Those things are great for propping up tables / using the pages for paper mache


kinda like the anon op summoning vrak at least lol. so i guess this topic is the “forum functionality” topic and people should be more open to suggestions now otherwise those topics may just get nuked since it usually ends in the same talk from here anyway. just spam like i said.

If you are in the US, then we don’t live in one.

Oh I’m fine with other topics coming up in here. My gripe is just the “no you’re wrong”


“Blardy blardy non sense” or something.

I want account wide ignore and a little text box to submit why I’m reporting something. I like that idea.


Oh looky looky another puppet to ignore…


You should try The Urbz Sims in the City on the PS2/Xbox/Gamecube some time. That’s my go to sims spinoff. :slight_smile:


I think calling out people as sock puppets shouldn’t be allowed


they were told by a blue to stop doing that in another thread a long while back.
I wouldnt expect them to follow the rules of civility around here


But why?

If someone is jumping on an alt to agree with themself, its pretty much lame-o


Because you dont have 200% absolute irrefutable proof that its really them

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But what if you do have 200% absolute irrefutable proof

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dang i only had 100% :frowning:


I think a big issue with any of the whole sock puppet stuff is simply that you put someone on ignore and they just hop onto an alt.

This is the only forum I know of where if you block a user it’s as simple as just switching tags on an account to keep talking to them.

There’s trolls that impersonate people around here along with sounding like others to sound like a sock puppet… then there’s people that do sock puppet and it all gets confusing.

Give us account wide ignore to solve that mess. One and done ignore.


I still receive a couple of phone books each year, but they’re sad little things compared to the tomes of old.


I remember an artist, read off a phone book, with Autotune and a synth beat.


They do that for a reason. Could be trolling. Could be some kind of personal problem.
In EVERY CASE, it matters not one whit to me because it doesnt affect me, my account, my life or my mental health…so why would I waste my time obsessing about someone needing attention so badly that they have to give it to themselves on an alt?

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