Can we get account wide ignore?

I wish bloodypaws would come back.

Atleast he is entertaining when trying to connect account ignores = terrorist plots.

The bargain bin dracthyr is

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For people who keep linking CoC and the work they seem to not know how to read it fully. As always they’re only reading the part that benifits themselves

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Thats not exactly accurate.
We’re not “renting” forum access here in the same way. We pay our sub and posting here is a benefit of that access to the game servers.
Blizzard can toss any of us out of the game or off this forum for ANY reason they can make up.
We dont have renters rights and laws in here.

Secondly, technically there is no expectation of real privacy in here.
If we post something then its public, even if we’ve blocked someone, our posts still now belong to the company and are for member use here as far as consumption…reading…quoting, etc.

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Is it possible for Blizz to put in a much different system that wouldn’t allow false flagging anymore? My suggestion would be to use reddit’s upvote downvote system but, we can only do it on one toon and not multiple.

Could be worst. We could grab all their pots and start smashing them to see if there are rupees in them

That’s an excellent idea, then we burn the rupees and dance on the broken pots!

That’s one of the things we want single identity accounts on the forums to fix.

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We could just apply it to how the flagging system works to avoid mass flagging alt armies.

At the same time, what does mass flagging actually do? Gets the post reviewed faster?

I’d legit be happy if I could use my battletag or whatever else as my single posting character, ID, etc. as long as I could actually ignore people and then they are gone like gone and can never interact with me again like they don’t exist and I don’t exist because we’d never see one another again unless I was to unignore them which would more than likely never happen but anyway my support for account wide ignores is very strong.

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It seems likely. From what I can tell it causes many problems for players who’ve done nothing wrong.

If they genuinely have done nothing wrong, then getting it reviewed faster means it gets restored faster.

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Which means more upset mass flaggers which makes it fun to watch.

Posts eventually get immunity to being flagged anyhow, I learned that back in the elf threads because after they get flagged then restored, then flagged then restored, then flagged and restored people can’t flag them anymore, lol.

The bigger problem with mass flagging is that having alts or sock puppets lets someone use more flags than they otherwise should be able to.

Better to max the thread then watch mass flaggers get upset. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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Honestly I’d prefer people not use the flag button as a dislike button but it is what it is sadly, it’s like if you dislike something I say or post feel free to @ me and explain or whatever rather than flag me unless I’ve actually broke the COC that’s my opinion on it but it doesn’t change my opinion account wide ignoring should exist.

I imagine it’s an actual nightmare for forum moderators to even put up with the drama llama stuff that happens on here. like they’re expected to sit around and babysit all of us

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Removing the flagging system is always an option and only like posts we agree with.

I don’t need to be sat on. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

That’s more than likely true, lol, I mean people these days get offended by literally any thing and every thing so I’m sure a lot of headaches come from that type of thing and often they are just like oh grow up. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: