Can we get account wide ignore?

My favorite way to eat spam:
Spam Musubi!!! yum!

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I’ve seen the video with Robin Williams trying out character creation but haven’t played it. Have you? And how was it?

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I… I loved Spore


Only like a bit of it from LGR’s video.

I do too. I’m not putting Spore down, it was my jam back in the day. And still is. I wasted so many hours creating my own stories and such in Adventure editor and it was worth it. :drooling_face:

It’s just Spore is REALLY broken. Like glitches, and bugs and everything. Even more so then Skyrim. Skyrim at least can be fixed somewhat. Spore never even seen a rerelease of some kind. :neutral_face:

And so is The Sims 2 as well. :thinking:


I loved Sims 2 and had so many expansions for it too, then the computer with all of it died and Maxis stopped supporting it.

I tried Sims 3 but didn’t like the graphics and I quickly found that I hated everyone aging up even when you weren’t playing them. No idea what Sims 4 is like, but I don’t want it if I can’t freeze aging.


I had I believe sims 2 pets on the playstation 2 and idk it felt like there was a lot of things missing on the ps2 version.

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I got it working on Windows 10. Kind of. With an autosave mod, it works like a charm.

I think in the neighorhood options, there’s an option to turn off aging now-a-days.

But back then, yeah i wasn’t a fan of that. And in The sims 2. These days, Aging is def off.

Not really fond of The Sims 4, given The Sims 2 exists, but there is a way to turn it off as well.

Never played it tbh. I have played The Sims 2 Castaway on the PS2 and enjoyed it quite a lot.

It’s basically The Sims Castaway Stories (PC only) but on PS2 and sorta gamefied. It’s actually sort of close to how Survival games are these days, you have needs to keep up, you can build bases, gather whatever it isn’t nailed down, learn a bit of story, and try to figure out how to hunt animals.

…Legit, trying to hunt the boar is just a world of annoyance with no rhyme or reason. Even when i trap the boar in a fence of tables, still dunno how to get it to fight other then running up to it with a spear, and still dunno how to beat it even with 9 or 10 body skill level. And if that ain’t bad enough, it just teleports off. It’s just luck.

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Everyone, it is not Sims 4, it is DLC Simulator.

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Somehow ffxiv seems to be getting it with their supposedly absurd server structure. (Seriously, alts there might as well have been their own accounts).

Tbh, The Sims 3 was pretty bad for this as well… Buyable Worlds… Ugh.

And The Sims 2 was the first to bring in stuff packs.

And both has MTX to buy from the off-game store. The website where you buy Simpoints with real money to get stuff there.

It wasn’t THIS bad before tho.

The only Sims game I’ve played was The Sims Bustin’ Out for the original XBox. I think it was fun (and is one of maybe 40? ish original XBox games to support 720p) and I still have this copy…but, I didn’t buy it, a partner did, and I’ve been afraid to ever try loading it up again because, well, I don’t know how well I’d take seeing the old saves.


Anyways, it is 4.02am, and I need to get some sleep.

Some bedtime support for account wide everything, and I hope that everyone enjoys there day, or night.


Daily support for account wide blocking and stats in forums, in game, and crossing over.

Keep the thread rolling and maybe we will get a blue answer…haha


Good afternoon!

Daily support for account wide forum stuff.



Not until doxxing becomes so illegal through all the main countries in the world (uk canada australia etc) its not funny sorry

W… where did that come from?

I have someone on block but do I even want to know what brought on that comment.


i lost reasoning and logic on this forum long ago lol.

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They know, and the change requests for something have gone in. What that something is, and when it might happen, is unknown.

Doxing is not funny in any way. It is scary when the internet reveals real name and location information in order to direct harassment or violence at someone.

That said, I think most young folks would panic if teleported back in time 50 years. Name, phone number, and address. You could even call the operator/information and get that if you did not have a paper phone book in front of you.


Speaking of that thread, Vrak brought up this point and I thought about the whole thing of us having an input box if we go to report. If they have the means of giving a reason for shutting down a thread and we have a means of giving a reason to shut it down etc I think it would be a good thing.

This way if someone hits trolling and no reason then they can easily toss reports out or if someone is making a thread that starts off fine then goes into irl threats and other stuff, that can be noted too.

Along with account wide ignore of course and having that tie together like that I think would be good. Reason being is if someone is bypassing your ignore using another battle net account to harass a person and troll at that point it can be noted there.


DOn’t even have to go back 50 years . You could go back around 15 years and phone books were around .